
Sep 15, 2011

Pictures of the baby

Kate is so cute and kissable that I can't help but keep the camera close by.  We Bartles are short on professional portraits but long on random candids like these.

Here is Kate, looking around the "giant" crib in Lexi's room.  She will sleep here once she learns to actually sleep. 

The other day Kate was pulling crazy faces and making me laugh, so I propped her up on the couch and tried to catch a couple.  The best shot I got was a yawn, which was appropriate, because it was the Littles' nap time and we both should have been sleeping.  I hope I can help her adopt an afternoon nap before Gavin gives up his.

When Lexi was tiny we called her "the pink pirate" to describe this dashing look.  Poor Kate can't help the fact that she has a tiny head.

We have never owned a changing table, so I am finding that one perk of having Kate sleeping in the portable crib is its integrated changing pad!  Kate's diaper supplies are mixed in with a random collection of office stuff on my computer desk, but it works.  Just looking at the clutter makes my toes curl, but I can't be too bothered by clutter right now or my head will explode.

Kate doesn't love the swing, but we keep trying.  Lexi, however, loves to ride in the swing. Fortunately she hasn't broken it yet.  

The girls and I have taken a couple of fabulous walks around the neighborhood this week. Forty minutes of sunshine, fresh air, and cool breezes definitely start the day off right!  I shudder to think about my first walk with Gavin and Lexi.  Things have gone much better this time around.  We'll bundle up and go as often as we can while the weather holds; fall has definitely arrived!


Shaina said...

Sweet moments that I miss so much!

Grandma said...

She's such a cutie! She is so tiny. Thanks for the pictures.

granny said...

Enjoyed the new pictures! Adorable, as always.

pass it on!

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