Daddy cooked frozen pizzas for dinner, which everyone ate picnic-style in the basement. That by itself was quite a treat!

Garry produced ice cream sandwiches for dessert, and then everyone watched the movie "Ramona and Beezus." It's one of Gavin's favorite shows, although since being introduced to Ramona, he struggles to say Moroni (the Book of Mormon prophet) properly during scripture study. He calls him "Ramoni" instead.
At bed time, which happened around 10:00 (even for the Littles), Garry and the boys constructed the sleeping arrangement below. Lexi came up to cuddle with me and was asleep in about two minutes. Garry slept on the couch. And fun was had by all!

The one component of the Fathers & Sons camp-out that the boys were loathe to miss was roasting marshmallows and making S'mores. On Sunday we enjoyed this activity as a family. Because the weather was so cold and blustery, we roasted the [giant] mallows over the stove. Are we city slickers or what? The boys had a blast, and, of course, made an ooey-gooey mess.

What would Fathers & Sons weekend be without a few messy kids? At least this version of a camp-out involved a lot less laundry!
sounds like a whole lot of fun!! I wish I had someone to do that with my boys.
Here's a tip - next time when you roast marshmallows indoors, use candles...definitely cleaner option than having your stove all glued up by sugar :)
I remember taking blankets as a kid and constructing a structure. It was so much fun! It looks like mom had a nice peaceful evening and dad and the kids had a blast. Thank goodness for a good dad that plays with his kids. Kids with fun dads are very lucky.
Smores are really all they care about anyway, right? Smores and ice cream sandwiches = WINNING.
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