Your genius product used to be a staple at my house. Zach and Tyler wore Onesies every day of their lives until potty training interfered. Mostly I loved the layered look, but the added warmth a tiny t-shirt provided in cold weather was a nice bonus.
Gavin didn't wear Onesies as much because I wanted to cut down laundry, and with the arrival of a fourth child, eliminating dirty clothing was a high priority. Plus, dressing the infant needed to happen as quickly as possible. The extra layer took too much time.
My love affair with Onesies for Lexi began this summer, when she wore one every night of our hot, hot, hot stay in Arizona. When we returned to a more temperate climate, the Onesies sat quietly in the drawer -- until this week.
Lexi Godiva is always at work. I find her naked in the crib, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, and outdoors. She has a fascination with the potty (but the inability to actually use it) and a strong distaste for diapers (but the inability to live without them). The contents of the diapers she removes often gets spread in unsavory places. These facts are conspiring against a modest state of dress, to say nothing of plummeting Fall temperatures or the cleanliness of my home and Lexi's body.
Enter the Onesie.
To date, Lexi has been unable to manage clothing snaps on her own. She can yank apart just about everything else, but the location and reliability of Onesie snaps frustrate her little fingers. And so it goes that Lexi now wears a Onesie on a daily basis. As with many other facets of my life, containment is the only option.

Bless you for your ingenuity.
With all the respect and honor I can muster,
A loyal fan
I have had similar issues with my toddlers. I'm so happy you found something that (temporarily?) hinders her actions!
Ha! Foiled again! Hopefully the magic holds until she has the self control to a) stay dressed or b) potty train.
Love it!
aww the onsie... I agree. I actually thought about using duct tape when Isaac was doing that.
Gary's {the kids'!} pumpkins look awesome. Nice work.
I too am a fan. Love, love, love them! I'm glad they're coming to good use in your house.
I'm a fan also, but Brielle can unsnap the onsies to see her belly, which she likes to show me often. If pairs with jeans, I'm usually safe. I tried a shirt and overalls the other day, to disastrous results. Naked baby and a poopy diaper handed to myself. Pretty gross, unless you compare it to the fact I stepped on the rest of the diaper moments later. In my bare feet. On my kitchen floor. Yay for onsies! And jeans that are tough to take off. :)
Nice! Thanks Onsie!
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