
Oct 11, 2010

Candid camera

This afternoon while Gavin was still sleeping, Lexi and I were playing in her room. She was being so adorable that I pulled out the camera. I captured some fun moments with my favorite girl. That sparked an idea for Family Home Evening tonight. I did "interviews" with each of the kids and also had them fill out surveys about current favorites and activities. The spiritual message I prepared fell flat, but we had a fun evening together. The results will be a keepsake for years to come!

Click on the surveys (and illustrations) to enlarge for detail. They are pretty funny!


Illustration: Garry and I were cracking up that Lexi's hand print looks a lot like the Star Trek salute.


Illustration: I think it's pretty indicative of Gavin's personality: bold and frenetic.


Illustration: Tyler hears the school bell and calls for Zach. Then he realizes Zach didn't come to school because he is sick. (That happened today.)


Illustration: A boy watching a cat meet its demise beneath a moving car. The thought bubble says, "MEOW!" Luckily the carnage is in a different frame.

Garry & Heidi

So there you have it: our family today!


The Wizzle said...

That is such a good idea, and I enjoyed it so thoroughly, that I think I will steal it for myself!

(Hi, I'm Rachel, that annoying lady who steals all your fun blog ideas. Nice to meet you.)

I think Lexi talks better than Iris does! But Iris weighs as much as Gavin, so that has to count for something. Tyler and Devlin are *clearly* the same age, and David and Garry clearly learned to write form the same person - a person with no hands, three toes on one foot, who has had a stroke. :)

Danielle said...

What an awesome idea. And Gavin speaks so clearly! I couldn't even imagine ethan talking so well. although when he sings songs he's pretty articulate. Anyway, I keep meaning to do something like this and never get around to it. Maybe for Ethan's bday or something.

You are so creative heidi!

LittleG said...

Hey! I happen to have three and ONE HALF toes on that foot thank you very much (add the seven on the other foot and I have more than you do). And, I haven't had a stroke, I just enjoy occasional epileptic episodes.

angiedunn said...

this was awesome. i watched the videos over grilled cheese today. so cute!!

garry, we need to watch tv together! i love fringe & lie to me. {although, i'm behind on both}...

Grandma said...

Cute idea! Thanks for sharing and keeping us in touch.

LittleG said...

C'mon over Ang! We'll light up the big screen and I'll pop some popcorn. I could watch reruns of either of those shows any time.

Melanie said...

Dang cute! You are so smart to have such a record!

pass it on!

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