Zachary was Frankenstein.

Tyler was The Cat in the Hat.

Gavin and Lexi were Thing 1 and Thing 2.

I wore this silly headband, which garnered lots of funny looks from drivers-by on the way to the church, but not so many once we arrived.

At the party, we spent our time with Danny and Annie. They already have a special bond with Gavin and followed him around all night! I hardly knew what to do with myself when I only had one child to follow.

The carnival games were super fun, as was the trunk-or-treat event in the parking lot. Even though the temperature was in the 30's, the wind was calm, making the evening quite pleasant.
Back at home, the boys sorted their loot and everyone cleaned up. Crazy hair colors and face paints swirled down the drain.

Now we just have to figure out what to do with Zach's new goldfish.
So fun! I love that Lexi and Gavin were thing 1 and thing 2. I've been calling my kids thing 1, 2 and 3 lately - its an excellent Halloween idea!
Thing 1 and Thing 2 are so great! That picture of Garry holding them is awesome.
And I think having one Halloween is a pretty frickin' fantastic idea. I'm really kind of over all this school party, church party, friend party, AND "actual holiday" stuff myself. I must be an old curmudgeon.
that. is. perfect.
i LOVE it! chloe did too. she couldn't stop laughing!!!
awesome costumes!!
Cute costumes, but even cuter kids! Love em:) Looks like everyone had a great time.
So great....Thing 1 & 2 made me laugh out loud all by myself at midnight. Pretty cool to do it once this season.
Great costumes!! I'm looking forward to our church party on Saturday. I've missed it every year since moving here.
I love the Dr. Seuss theme matchy costumes! So cute!!!
So Cute!!!
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