It wouldn't have been a true celebration of Zach's life if we hadn't gathered at the kitchen table to open presents before the crack of dawn. That kid loves to wake up early! He was thrilled with the outpouring of generosity from his far-flung relatives that love him so much (not to mention the family that lives in this house). After the last bit of wrapping paper fell, he declared that his "top three" presents were a watch, a bicycle, and a skateboard. He also received Sudoku books, a basketball, the last three books in the Percy Jackson series, a framed shark poster, and mini Tech Deck skateboards.
Zach and Tyler rode their bikes to school with Garry trailing along in the car. They have to cross a busy street and are just too young to navigate it themselves. Zach was thrilled to test drive his new bike, and Tyler got to ride the bike he inherited from Zach this morning. Good times.
I hired a babysitter so I could deliver cupcakes to Zach's third grade class this afternoon. It was fun for me to see Zach in his classroom during school hours. Mrs. Ferris and the kids loved their mini hamburgers! Zach said later that this was the highlight of his day. (See the inspiration for the fun cupcakes here.)

The boys rode home from school, too, and then played outside in the gorgeous Fall weather.

Then Zach attended football practice and Cub Scout pack meeting. The scouts and their families sang a rousing birthday song:
We will have Zachary's official birthday dinner tomorrow night, when no one has evening obligations. He has requested pesto pasta for dinner. We will also feast on this cake (baked in my lovely new oven).

Zachary is intelligent and energetic, athletic and coordinated. He believes in speed and efficiency in all things. His spirited personality and brilliant mind have limitless potential. I can't wait to see how his nine-year-old obsessions with video games, Bakugan, Tech Decks, Crazy Bones, football, and paper airplanes develop into lifelong passions and pursuits.
Happy birthday, Zachary! And many more....
I am completely amazed at your cake and cupcakes! So fun! Hard to believe that I've been reading about your parenting adventures for 10 years! Wow!
Speed and efficiency? Where did he get that from?
Happy B-day Zachary! We love you!
Cute, cute cupcakes and bigger cake. What a fun idea! Yes Zach, we are amazed at what a wonderful boy you are. It looks like you had a great day and ended it with a fun scouting activity. Happy, happy birthday! We love you tons:)
Great work on the birthday treats! Sounds like a fabulous birthday. So...which oven did you choose?
You outdid yourself with those cupcakes!! Sounds like he had a great day!
What a great birthday cake maker you are. Looks like he had a fab day. Happy Birthday Zach!
He's a great boy, and you're a great mom! Happy birthday Zach! The years really do fly by. It seems like we were different people way back then, doesn't it?
you never disappoint with your amazing cake skillz heidi! seriously, this one might be my favorite. you are such a great mom to do that. must have made zach feel so special.
he is. happy birthday zach! i can't believe you are 9, and seriously like as tall as me. *time flies*
uber impressed by those cupcakes!!!
What a great kiddo! Happy birthday Zach! And those cupcakes/cake are FAB!! Nice work Mama.
Cupcakes look fabulous. Lucky that your school allows homemade treats...Logan's school does not & It bums me out. You are SO Talented, Heidi! <3
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