Here are some of my favorite quotes, although there were many that I couldn't scribble down quickly enough. In many instances, I have "look up quote on ___!" in the margins of my notes. I can't wait until text is available on Thursday.
"'Five years from now' needs to be part of our conversation with children today."
{Jeffrey R. Holland}
"We will be accountable for every minute of our time."
{D. Todd Christofferson}
"It takes hard work to find wholesome leisure."
{D. Todd Christofferson}
"The Lord won't reveal individually what he has revealed collectively."
{David M. McConkie}
"Diligently doing the things that matter most will lead us to the Savior of the world."
{Dieter F. Uchtdorf}
"Taking time for each other is the key to harmony in the home."
{Dieter F. Uchtdorf}
"We are responsible for our own faith -- and lack thereof."
{Richard Edgley}
"We become what we want to be by consistenly being what we want to become."
{Richard G. Scott}
"We should never to anything we would not permit our children to do."
{Mary N. Cook}
"We must give up activities and interests that keep us from keeping our covenants."
{Mary N. Cook}
"Gratitude is a divine principle."
{Thomas S. Monson}
"To express gratitude is gracious and honorable; to enact gratitude is generous and noble; but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is a touch of heaven."
{Thomas S. Monson}
"There are no perfect parents or easy answers, but there are principles we can rely on.
...Parents who love their children cannot afford to be intimidated by them."
{Larry R. Lawrence}
"Small choices bring great consequences."
{Jairo Mazzagardi}
{Jeffrey R. Holland}
"We will be accountable for every minute of our time."
{D. Todd Christofferson}
"It takes hard work to find wholesome leisure."
{D. Todd Christofferson}
"The Lord won't reveal individually what he has revealed collectively."
{David M. McConkie}
"Diligently doing the things that matter most will lead us to the Savior of the world."
{Dieter F. Uchtdorf}
"Taking time for each other is the key to harmony in the home."
{Dieter F. Uchtdorf}
"We are responsible for our own faith -- and lack thereof."
{Richard Edgley}
"We become what we want to be by consistenly being what we want to become."
{Richard G. Scott}
"We should never to anything we would not permit our children to do."
{Mary N. Cook}
"We must give up activities and interests that keep us from keeping our covenants."
{Mary N. Cook}
"Gratitude is a divine principle."
{Thomas S. Monson}
"To express gratitude is gracious and honorable; to enact gratitude is generous and noble; but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is a touch of heaven."
{Thomas S. Monson}
"There are no perfect parents or easy answers, but there are principles we can rely on.
...Parents who love their children cannot afford to be intimidated by them."
{Larry R. Lawrence}
"Small choices bring great consequences."
{Jairo Mazzagardi}
I loved the themes of home and family. I loved the counsel on thwarting Satan. I loved the talks on faith and teaching that will help me prepare my next Relief Society lesson. I LOVED Elder Lawrence's talk, which for me, was an answer to prayer. I loved President Monson's multiple messages, and I love that he is a self-proclaimed "man of memories."

Things were pretty chaotic at our house during the televised Conference sessions, with kids in pajamas, spilling snacks, and running amok. But when I read this article this morning, I took heart. I think my kids were listening, too.
The best talks (IMHO) were in the priesthood session. President Monson and Uchtdorf were incredible. Their talks are on youtube now and everyone should check them out:
That article is sooooo true. And for the record, my conference experience sounds like it was remarkably similar to the author's!
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