I hardly craft at all (although Lexi's curtains, my latest project, are sitting in an un-picked mess on my sewing machine right now), but for some reason the Mamas That Be chose to spotlight me as part of their recurring Meet-a-Mama Monday feature.
So...head on over to check it out! Just click here or on the button below.

Then come on back to tell me that you did....because that would be fun. I installed a little visitor counter widget last week, and despite the stats that tell me this blog gets a few hundred hits a day, I am sadly lacking in comments. :)
Clicked, read, check out, visited, counted, and commented.
Love you and glad to see you being recognized for being the awesometastic momma you are!
Way to go, Heidi. That was a great feature on you. Loved it!
I hear ya on the comment thing.
What fun to be featured!!
Since I hadn't had a morning cry yet...Thanks for sharing this link! It's not often we get to see how others perceive us, especially those we don't know well...or at all. What a blessing to see all the wonderful good you do through the eyes of someone meeting you for the first time through your blog!
I couldn't agree more! But then, you know I think you are fabulous!
Wow, that's so cool! And your counter is very impressive. I was all excited about mine until I saw yours, ha! :)
Loved your feature! You are definitely fabulous!
Nice tribute Heidi! You're a very busy mom!
We loved featuring you! And, I LOVE your blog!
Love the Sis. Hinckley quote. I don't think I'd heard that one before. I agree to all of it except the station wagon bit...we only EVER had station wagons growing up and I vowed never, ever, ever to own one myself. I'm a mini-van mama, that's for sure!
What fun! And all so true. :)
this is so cool! i read all your posts as they come in my google reader, but am now just getting the chance to comment & tell you: congrats! you're awesome!
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