One instance yesterday brought to mind a passage from my own baby book. Today I looked it up. Penned in my mother's handwriting were these gems:
At 18 months: "Your latest trick is undressing yourself -- hope that phase soon ends!"
At 22 months: "You have enjoyed playing outside and you get absolutely filthy. You hate to be dirty and if your coat or shirt or pants or shoes or ANYTHING gets dirty, you take it off, regardless of the temperature or modesty. Ha!"
And then, the following story, written when I had just turned two:
"Early in the summer I took you with me to the nursery to buy some plants. You were sitting on the edge of the little sidewalk playing with some rocks, so I left you for about two minutes to go pay for the plants. When I came back to get you, you had stripped completely. All you had on was the barette in your hair. It seems kind of funny now but I was livid at the time. You can do the craziest things!"

I believe it was my Uncle Jeff who coined my childhood nickname when I was running around naked at the beach. For years he called me Heidi Godiva, after Lady Godiva, the English noblewoman who rode naked through the streets of Coventry. Of all the traits to pass on to my daughter....
I may prefer the stripping to changing clothes 500 times a day. My middle daughter cannot wear the same outfit for more than about 30 minutes. And she throws them all in the laundry--even though they were only worn for such a short amount of time. It's been about 2 years since she was able to un/dress herself and I'm still hoping she'll grow out of it!
Ah, poetic justice. Frustrating, isn't it? Pretty normal, too. She will grow out of it...I'm pretty sure you never stripped at school. Look how great you turned out. Hope abounds.
Hahaha! So funny! If only Lexi had long flowing locks to cover up the nudies.
Naked or not she's a cutie! Wow,
Devlin looks so much like you. I think he could be your child. Amazing!
Hilarious! I had forgotten about "Heidi Godiva". Eve is very fond of that story, but she's another one who prefers changing outfits 8,000 times a day to stripping.
looks like you passed down more than 1 trait......you guys are basically twins!!!!!!
ps: i hear ya. livy strips countless times a day. i have been known to use packaging tape to secure her onsie. don't call cps.
Ha! That's funny. What cute pictures of you two!
Shocked at how much Lexi looks just like you! Wow! Have fun with that girl. Karlie was my child who always undressed--usually after dislocating a hip to get out of car seat restraints.
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