Our family congregated at the stake center a little bit early to take pictures to commemorate this lovely occasion. Just as our van drove into the parking lot, Gavin peeled off one of the scabs on his forehead. A bit of active bleeding during a family photo is always entertaining, right? Many thanks to Melanie for once again being our photographer!

Then it was time to get ready for the baptism! Seeing Garry and Zachary together in their white ceremonial clothing brought tears to my eyes. I knew Zachary was following the example of the Savior as he entered the waters of baptism, and I was grateful that Garry was worthy, ready, and able to baptize our son.
To learn more about baptism and confirmation in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, click here.

The service itself was lovely. We shared Zach's special day with the Nunnelly family, whose eight-year-old son, Keaton, was also baptized. Zach's Grandpa Bartle and Keaton's dad each gave talks. Keaton and his dad sang a song. Zach's Grandpa Dixon and Keaton's sister prayed. Zach's Grandma Bartle played the piano and his Granny directed the music.
A wonderful friend entertained Gavin during the meeting (maybe that's why I enjoyed it so much--thanks, Bob!). Gavin and Bob wandered the halls, enjoyed some snacks, and found the nursery with toys. Gavin did join the group to watch Zachary's baptism. When he saw Zach in the baptismal font with Garry, he seemed to think Zach was going swimming. He pointed to Zach and called out, "Fun Zach!" and then blew him kisses. The outburst was amusing and tender at the same time. Happily, he was quiet for the baptism itself.
The confirmations that followed were equally beautiful. Under the authority of the Melchizedek priesthood, each boy received the gift of the Holy Ghost. As I listened to the words of my son's blessing, I reflected on my own baptism day and also tried to imagine the wonderful things that are in store for Zach as he embarks on a lifetime of service and dedication to the Church.
After the service we went home...and partied. First lots of friends came over to the house for root beer floats.

When the last guest left, our party of 12 went out for dinner at TGIFriday's. What fun! Delicious food, awesome conversation, and baby/toddler entertainment kept us all laughing. Free sundaes and server singing celebrated Zachary's and Eric's birthdays. Back at home, the night owls stayed up for a late movie and treats.
All in all, it was an excellent day full of the people we love.
Thanks for posting pictures so quickly. Duane was so excited to be at the baptism this weekend. He is a wonderful man to work with at BYU. So happy you could all be together. What a wonderful milestone in Zachary's life and a blessing to you as parents!
A beautiful day for you all! Congratulations to your family and especially Zach! I wish I could have been there to witness it, I love the special spirit I feel at baptisms.
Wow you are on top of things. :) Glad all went well. Great pictures. Hope the rest of the weekend is restful. e
He's wearing his tie! Your family looks so happy. Congratulations and enjoy your time all together. We wish we could be there!
Those are some great pictures of your family! Looks like you had a great weekend. Congratulations to Zach!
Congratulations Zach! I was thinking of your family as I was having my own exciting day! :) (Heidi, on a side-note, could you let me know what the site was that you used to turn your blog into a book? Thanks!)
congrats to zach! how exciting!! i love the pictures of your family. :)
What a great day! Congratulations Zachary. Thanks for sharing all the pictures and details. It was so fun to see all the family!
Congratulations! What a milestone. It sounds like you all had a great day.
Your family pictures turned out great - scab and all!
And the curtains - way cute too.
Congrats on Zachary's Baptism! What a wonderful day it sounded like!
Good times at the Bartle house!
Can't believe you have "snow day" snow already?!? It's only October. I think I'm an Oregonian now...I forget that snow can come before December.
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