That's right; count 'em up. Nine stray socks.
How many children in this family? Three. That's not a good average.
Please tell me this is happening elsewhere in the universe.
And please tell me that summer is around the corner. I'm ready for a sock-free existence.
haha....we constantly have our washer stop draining during the cycle and end up having to pull the drain off only to find socks in there....
I think sock free days are why I look forward to summer so much as well!
oh every week!
I've long since believed in the sock devil...always stealing socks to make our life annoying.
I always used to say that socks went a.w.o.l only to reappear as wire coat hangers. But now we have platic hangers so I can't say it any more. I still have the problem...but I have to admit, not as often.
I was just telling Mike this exact same sentiment yesterday! I can't wait for summer and flip flops and no socks. I picked up nine pairs of socks from the downstairs yesterday. There are only six people in our family. I hate socks.
Yes, you are not alone. I'm pretty sure my washing machine gets hungry!!
I think I might have some matches for you from my strays. Sometimes I find the lost socks in my following week's laundry or missed under a bed. Other times I just mate up the mismatched ones and call it good.
I agree! I have a huge baggie hanging in my laundry room that is full of mis-matched socks. Yes, it's that full and, no, none of them match! I am excited for sock free, but it does seem like we trade mis-matched socks for stinky feet that need to be washed before naptime. I'm not sure which I dis-like more.....hmm..
Ahhh, how often we find ourselves in the exact same position!
I'm with Rebecca...often ours are in another laundry basket, in the van, in a shoe, stuffed (I mean mysteriously) in between couch cushions, etc.
I hope your matches turn-up!
i'm so glad it happens to other people! there's 2 of us...and there's always at least 2 of my socks that have no pairs...and brandon's socks seems to always be random too.
I don't know if you're interested in my little tidbit of advice or not, but I've taken my moms idea from raising 7 of us and started having my kids pin their socks together with safety pins. It will take them a little while to practice and get used to maneuvering the safety pin, but they'll figure it out. Because the girls feet are getting closer to the same size, I have one pin their socks together at the toe, and the other pin them together at the heel. That way when I sort the clean laundry into their piles for them to fold, it's a fast sort as to whose socks are whose, we don't have lost socks anymore, and the kids take the safety pins out when they are folding and taking care of the rest of their laundry. Gavin's a bit young for this obviously, but your other boys are definitely capable. They might not like it at first, but I promise it will save you years of sock headaches =) Good luck!
I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but I just have to tell you this. There are only three of us and we are all adults. I STILL have a bag of socks without mates. I'll be able to fish two or three out when I do laundry, but I put that many more back in. Granted, they are usually the boys' socks, but every once in a while, one of mine comes up missing. I have yet to figure it out.
I know I'm behind, but I must add my 'AMEN' to this post. Yes...summer is a lovely, sock-free time, isn't it??
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