Until then, here's a brief recap of our non-cousin activities this week.
Zachary's last day at Frontier Elementary was Wednesday. I offered to make a treat for him to share with his classmates and he chose cupcakes. He was very specific about the way he wanted them to look. Exhausted as I was, fancy confections seemed like a tall order, but they turned out to be pretty simple. And he was elated. It was worth the effort. My thanks to Rachel for her help in the decoration assembly line, and for her amusing company at the grocery store.

Bright and early Thursday morning, Zachary and I headed to his new school. Students were out district-wide for Parent/Teacher conferences. Zach did a reading assessment, took a tour of the school, and met his new teacher. Garry and I also had a nice discussion with the teacher. We all feel great about the transition and look forward to our time at Academy Endeavour.

Having an astronaut mascot is pretty cool, too.

Tyler had scholastic adventures of his own this week. On Tuesday parents were invited to attend a school-wide "praise time" musical performance. The preschoolers sang several of the praise songs they have learned this semester. It was fun to watch Tyler sing. He knew every word and action to every song, but that didn't stop him from occasionally breaking eye contact with the teacher (who was leading the group) to wave and smile to Gavin and me. The performance was interesting for me on a different level; I'm not used to songs about Jesus being so lively and animated! Our church has a much more reverent take on songs of worship for children. I'll post a video of Tyler's singing when my Tech Support guy can help me. He's not on call in the middle of the night.
On Thursday, Ty's class had a field trip to the fire station. It brought back fun memories of a fire station tour I took with the boys and our Smart Cookies group almost a year ago. Tyler was front-and-center for Tuesday's entire tour, very engaged and asking lots of questions. He loved climbing in the fire engine and checking out the gear.

On the home front, Gavin was his crazy-busy self. One day while Zachary was playing with him downstairs, Zach yelled, "Mom! Come quick! You've got to see this!" Gavin was quite proud of himself for pulling this stunt. I grabbed the camera, of course, but added this hazard to my mental list of things to prevent in the future.

Gavin you little pup! You looked adorable but a little scary in the dryer. I'm glad Tyler had a great field trip. It looks like some we have at our fire station. Kids always love that. I'm so happy that Zach is excited to go to his new school. The astronaut mascot is a cool and unusual one. I'm happy you and Garry are feeling good about the move as well. All's well that ends well, right?
Good luck at the new school. I've heard that's one of the toughest (as in perfect for your well advanced kids) schools in the district. I'm sure Zach will do great!
What a hard decision. I hate confrontations too. Luckily, you won't have to talk to the people at Frontier again so you can forget all about it!
The musical group on Sunday was awesome. You all did great. You put it together right? Good job.
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