Since the TV weathermen predicted up to a foot of snow, I was interested to see how quickly it accumulated. I took this photo around 11:30 a.m. yesterday, about ten minutes after I saw the first flakes fall.

These photos came an hour later, just before Garry came home from work. His office was closed because of the weather. He said the roads were ridiculous already.

Notice the tips of my 3-inch tulips peeking through the snow. I've been told they are sure to survive this winter blast.

Here are some photos of the snow we woke up to this morning. Although it's not snowing anymore, the wind is whipping everything around in the air. We have three-foot snow drifts next to the house and bare spots on the lawn. Wind has pushed the snow through window screens so it's pressing against the glass. Some of our window well covers are blanketed in snow, making those corners of the basement dark, while others have no snow at all so the light can shine through.

And boy, oh boy, is it cold out there! Our thermometer read 8.7 degrees at 7:43 this morning. I'm awfully grateful for the 65 degree reading for our indoor temperature. Our 25-year-old furnace is doing its job today!

Some out-of-town folks have asked if I'm ornery about this spring snow, and I have to say that I'm not. {Even if it does mean all my medical tests will be delayed...what can I do about that?} The kids aren't missing school and I don't feel well enough to leave the house, so this crazy weather is the perfect excuse to lounge in pajamas and the comforts of home. And if a bunch of snow means a less severe drought this summer, I'm all for it. My tulips need water to grow, after all.
I like your cute thermostat! I, too, was grateful ours was working well. Heath shoveled the driveway this morning, and the snowdrifts kept drifting back across him. Glad he's doing it, and not me.
Yikes! That is soooo cold!
Boy oh boy, I am glad I am missing this! My kids would have thought it was awesome, but I think the novelty would have worn off quickly. And I don't think any of us would have wanted to try to drive to the airport or fly home in the blizzard!
Such a warm dry spell this winter. We decided it was our fault. So we left. And look what happened while we were gone.
Br. Br. Br. I have to admit it is kind of exciting and beautiful. If you can stay inside in jammies, it is grand!
Boy, it looks so cold! Glad you can stay in your jammies and hunker down. Did Garry get to stay home too?
That storm (or one very similar) was supposed to hit us last night. 10 inches of snow predicted. Wanna know how much is on the ground right now? Zippo. Instead, we got a lovely blast of freezing rain. We're bound to the house too, since there's no way we could get our car doors open if we wanted to.
I love your thermostat too! That's fun. Just an interesting tidbit - you may want to take a peek in your attic. When it did that in Oregon in December we were shocked to find little piles of snow in our attic. The wind whipped the dry snow up and down through the air vents. Crazy! We vaccumed it up with a shop vac. Maybe you have more heavy duty vents in Colorado??
Great pictures of the storm. The hotel we stayed at was the Drury Hotel. We got the esaver rate 49.99, I'm guessing it is a during the week rate. The rooms are only big enough for two double beds or one king size. We did the double and had kiddos on the floor. We would love to sign up for the talent show, but Olivia is starting volleyball and she has a game that night we just don't know what time yet.
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