After about half an hour, Zach burst in the door and ran downstairs to find me.
"Mom! Guess what?"
I couldn't imagine what had generated so much excitement.
"I did it! I made it to 100 jumps!"
This has been Zach's goal since receiving his pogo stick for Christmas. Last I heard he was hovering around the 65 mark. I gave him a high-five and grabbed the camera.
After capturing his beaming face, I filmed him attempting another 100+ jumping stint...and he made it! He started before the camera did, but all told he bounced 165 consecutive times before getting too tired. What a champ!

And if he doesn't make the cut at the elementary school, he can show off his pogo skills at the ward talent show next month. I'm in charge of that event, so he's sure to make it on stage!
Go Zach! What determination, dude!
After watching the video Hunter said, "That Zach is talented!" So he definitely has our vote. :)
Way to go Zach! I am just sad that he has to wear gloves & a coat. It makes it look so cold when it is so nice here!
Awesome! I can't imagine the school saying no! I can't jump more than three, I think.
That's totally awesome! Devlin is extremely impressed. (I am extremely concerned about the gloves and parka. We do not have those things. says it shouldn't be too cold next week...)
Now that's talent! Good job!
Way to go Zach! I can tell you've been practicing!
Go Zach! Hop on! Congrats on the new record!
Wow, great job Zach! You are a hopping machine. I thought you might never stop!
I suppose the elementary show is out. I'm sure he'll shine at the ward talent show!
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