In the kitchen
I'm not one to experiment in the kitchen very often. When I do, my efforts almost universally crash and burn. New recipes either don't turn out or are met with general disapproval from those forced to eat them. It's a bad cycle because I get bored of the same old stuff, but experience tells me, "Don't rock the boat!"
However, our recent Family Fun Time institution calls for the making of something yummy on Sundays, usually for the purpose of a Family Home Evening treat on Mondays. Tyler and I really enjoyed the fruit salsa and cinnamon chips we had at a friend's house this week, so we decided to try making our own this morning.
Zachary and Tyler scooped out frozen o.j. concentrate into a pitcher and Zach stirred it up.
I cut up strawberries, kiwis, and Granny Smith apples. That all went into the Vita-Mix with some blueberries and a little orange juice (um, too much orange juice).

To make the cinnamon chips, the boys dipped sliced tortillas in water and covered them with cinnamon and sugar. They baked in the oven (a little too long...).
If nothing else, we had a good time in the kitchen together. That's the whole point, right?
Looks yummy!
Definitely the point! You aren't alone in the cooking department. I am decent. I can follow a recipe well, but I rarely stray from it, and when I do it is only because I KNOW it will work. When I get crazy and try to do my own thing, things always turn out, well, let's just say not as planned! Your treat looks pretty tasty to me!
i'm a smoothie maker by profession these days and that fruit salsa looks amazing...and the blender photo looks amazing too. :)
I think I want a Vita Mix, is what I think after reading this. My blender jar has been broken too many times, and I see no point in buying a new one. But it's getting to be smoothie weather here again before too long...
MMm, I tried a new chicken recipe I need to send you. Definitely a keeper. And pretty easy.
A Vita Mix is a fabulous thing to have, Ms. Wizzle. We've enjoyed it these ten and a half years! It's a toss-up whether I'd name my KitchenAid or my Vita Mix as my favorite wedding gift...
Sounds like a fun adventure in the kitchen. I bet the boys loved it, and no matter the turn out, I'm sure you made a memory.
Looks like it turned out great and very yummy! I agree that it is the time spent together that counts anyway.
OK, this will give away how un-domestic I am, :) but I hadn't heard of a Vita-Mix till reading your post....what makes it different from a regular blender?
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