
Feb 7, 2009

{Almost} famous?

Last year I started following a blog written by a guy who calls himself the Normal Mormon Husband. The first post I read on the NMH blog, entitled "Pregnancy Brain," had me laughing out loud, so I became a fan. I enjoy the author's dry humor and the way he highlights issues common to a lot of parents raising families in the LDS faith. Little did I know that a bit of my personal life would one day be a subject put before his readers.

Last week NMH issued a call for people who needed mediation on something silly and inconsequential. As a joke, I submitted a comment, explaining that Garry and I have had a long-standing debate regarding the name of our first-born girl. Since we've been married almost eleven years without producing a female offspring, this has been a lengthy debate indeed, but we now find ourselves faced with the need to resolve our little dispute. Seriously, I asked for mediation to give myself (and Garry) a laugh. The truth is that I really don't care what other people think; Garry and I are grown-ups and can decide on our own what to name our child, thankyouverymuch.

And then NMH responded. He wanted to do a mediation post on our great name debate. Garry and I thought this was hilarious (and so did my mom and sister, who follow the blog and saw my comment). And so NMH and I exchanged a few emails and Garry and I had a few laughs. We were honestly interested in what the public thought of our "great dilemma," and a baby name poll on the NMH blog seemed like a fun way to get a bunch of opinions.

This morning the post appeared (and yes, this was the "delightful blog post" to which I alluded earlier this week). It was funny. It generated lots of comments. In addition to many of the NMH's opinions and witticisms, it included a side-bar voting widget with five name options we picked for the purpose of his post.

Here's the problem: in my zeal to avoid tainting the public by exposing The Name in Question, I gave the NMH a liberty he shouldn't have had -- the power to skew our poll. He unilaterally axed the name Garry and I have been arguring about and didn't allow it to be voted upon! Lest you think we feel a great injustice and hold malice toward the NMH, let me be clear: we still think the whole thing is pretty silly and inconsequential (see the end of paragraph two), not to mention quite amusing. The blog comments alone have made for some very entertaining reading!

I fully intended to let the issue die with that post, since the poll is meaningless without The Name in Question. We had our chuckles, and we know that sometime before May we'll figure out what to name our little girl. However, I have already gotten several emails from friends (and one even posted about our "star sighting" on her blog), so I figured I'd better offer a direct link -- and the background story -- to my dear readers and see what you have to say!

Are you ready? Check it out: Normal Mormon Mediation: Name That Baby! Be sure to leave a comment here to let me know you did.

So NMH, if you're reading this, thanks for our 15 minutes of Normal Mormon fame! It will be fun to see what the poll results are in a week. But if you want to know what the REAL results turn out to be, you'll just have to follow my blog. Because we can name our baby girl ourselves, thankyouverymuch.


Danielle said...

hahaha...matt and i love NMH! Way cool that he did that.

Grandma said...

I have always loved Sarah but whatever she's called we'll love her more than you can imagine!

Juliesh said...

Who knew a name could cause so much excitement?!? What a fun read. Thanks for the intro to NMH. I got a chuckle out of all the "name opinions."

In the end, should she be the only might as well name her "Sister." As the sole-sister at our house announced this week that her "real" name is "Sissa-Sue."

Can't wait to see how your "story" ends come May!

Jenny said...

For what it's worth, I love the name Autumn, but it almost rhymes with my last name and that would be weird. It gets struck from my list for that single reason, but I am madly in love with that name. So that's my vote.

MaloyMayhem said...

I think he should have included the disputed name without revealing which name was disputed. We just went and voted and it looks like Sarah Kate has a slight edge at the moment.

Amanda said...

I'm definitely a fan of that blog! :) That's a great mediation question. We've had similar problems with girl's names--only complication is that we've had 2 girls so far. It's made the naming process quite interesting.

With our second, before we knew it was a She, I knew it was going to be a girl and that her name was going to be Whitney. Ryan did not like the name at all. I basically told him that was too bad--because that was what her name needed to be. I wasn't particularly in love with the name, and Ryan obviously wasn't, but she pretty much named herself early on. I'm not sure Ryan loves the name yet. I do know that Whitney just wouldn't be herself without that name!

P.S. We have 2 boy names which we both like--just waiting for that boy to appear. Maybe we'll get to use one this time around!

Reynolds Family said...

That is so funny and I'll admit I'm a bit curious about what you'll name your little she-bartle.

Lisa Hutchings said...

I vote for Sarah...I love that name! :-)

My favorite college roommate is named Shiloh...and she happened to marry a guy with the last name Winn.

Can't wait to hear what you decide!

Jen said...

Ohhh - I'm reading posts backwards - I wondered why Shyloh wasn't in the running on your "baby name results" post. Love Sarah Kate (Kate is Natalie's middle name, and well, you know my oldest daughter's name. (o: Alexis Paige is very cute too. I love girl names. Good thing huh?

pass it on!

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