Busy, busy boy
Keeping up with active toddlers is not for the faint of heart. I know I'm not alone in my crazy-boy-chasing, but I thought I'd post these pictures, which capture the essence of an afternoon with Gavin. To say he is busy is a serious understatement.
Since discovering the joy of chair climbing, Gavin has learned to empty his bookshelf. While this keeps him occupied for quite a while, the integrity of his books has suffered. He is also incapable of righting this wrong by himself, of course, so I usually only clean up the mess once a day.
Another new discovery: opening the pantry. Yep, he can reach the doorknob, and I have yet to figure out a child-proofing method for bi-fold doors. Gavin is especially fond of raiding the goldfish crackers. He was dipping into the sugar and then the crackers before I caught him this time.
Perhaps the grossest thing I have found Gavin doing this week: plunging the toilet. It was just water, but eeewwww....
Here's Gavin perched atop an office chair, wearing the slippers he stole right off my feet. If I want to get something done on the computer, I'll often give up the chair (and/or my footwear) so he'll play happily in the room. Am I a pushover or what?
Apparently the dining table makes a great playground. I often finding him walking the length of the table. This time, since he was sitting, I snapped a picture. I am significantly more disturbed when I find him on the kitchen island; he can scale stools, too.
Getting ready in the morning is always a challenge, especially if I leave the job until after Garry and Zachary leave. I usually hold Gavin captive in the Johnny Jump-Up in the doorway, but sometimes he roams. And gets into everything. He loves absconding with tubes and creams from the drawers.
The shower is another favorite hang-out. He thinks it's hilarious to stomp around in the puddles. And usually I let him. I just make sure my razor is on a high shelf first.
Using the dishwasher cannot be done while Gavin is awake...unless he's strapped into his booster seat. This is why.
Whenever I go downstairs, the first thing I do is close the doors to the bathroom, the game closet, and the boys' bedroom. If Gavin spots the boys' door open, even a crack, he squeals and RUNS straight for it. He knows that on the other side is a delightful ladder he can climb, which leads to a high, bouncy bed that lets him touch the ceiling. What fun!
Oh my son! You make me laugh and sometimes you make me want to cry. You're definitely becoming more capable by the minute, but it can be very frustrating. Know that I love you in spite of the myriad messes and mischevious mayhem you produce. At least at times like these (when I'm at work) I can sit back and LOL at your antics. Thank your mom for doing such a wonderful job of documenting your development, and remember that I love you!
Ah Heidi. It makes me tired. He's such a darling boy, and so very normal for one his age. I remember well. Dylan pulled a few good ones--they all did. I think I remember his the most clearly because he was caboose. Just keep him away from public fountains.....
Aiden is happy to know that someone else enjoys doing the exact same things he does.
toddlers definitely keep you on your toes, eh?
I think I may have a solution for your bi-fold door. Troy's family has one. They put a little hook and eye mechanism at the top, out of the little ones' reach. If they don't want them in there, they just latch it shut. Seems to work pretty well for the tiny-types. :)
Oh how I feel you! I guess that is one of the things that is nice about Luke's delay in walking. He's still building up speed for moving from one thing to the other!
Wow, that does not make me look forward to a few months away when Matsen gets to that stage. I love that all he does is roll and sit up now. Good thing they're so cute!
Oh Gavin, what a busy boy you are. You definately keep everyone moving. That's very typical for a one year old though. You are just adorable and I love you to pieces!
Having flashbacks again! I'm remembering all the photos of Drew climbing and sitting in the middle of messes. A few years after this stage, I looked back at the photos and realized that was all we got of him those days...pictures of Drewmayhem! It wasn't until Adam, though that we had to ban all pencils, pens and markers from the house!!
Tell him to get it all out of his system before May. Granny might just have a heart attack if she catches him on the kitchen counter!
Alright, girls are a handful, but slightly less so than active boys! I'm exhausted just reading. I do have a dishwasher climber and a table walker though. I'm so glad you are getting a girl to put in this mix.
goodness, and i thought ethan was a handful! he hasn't figured out the pantry opening/walking on kitchen table yet but the rest is right on level with him. Crazy how much destruction can be done all with a cheesy grin that (most of the time) melts your heart. Good luck!
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