...I am 24 weeks plus 1 day pregnant
...I am grateful for Rachel's maternity hand-me-downs
...I am looking forward to the promise of a delightful blog post later in the week {details to come}
...I will wash, dry, and {hopefully} fold five or six loads of laundry.
...I will babysit for three hours as part of my weekly co-op
...I will register Tyler for kindergarten
...I will help Tyler practice the piano {I gave him his first lesson on Saturday}
...I will watch Zathura with the boys after school {perhaps taking a nap in the middle}
...I will enjoy my walk down memory lane as I go through my high school memorabilia
...I might stay up far too late again reading A Thousand Splendid Suns
you look HOT! :)
Sounds like a fun day! You look great! Just bag all your plans and finish reading A Thousand Splendid Suns-it's worth it.
You look absolutely great! Let me know how the book is....
yep, I recognize everything! :) You look super cute. And the book is AMAZING. I loved it so much, and I got it for Christmas so maybe I'll read it again as my February book.
Those are cute maternity clothes! And that book kept me up late reading too, so good!
You look so cute. Your ability to pack everything possible into a day gives me something to aspire to.
I'm excited for this "delightful blog post" later in the week...
Thanks so much for the babysitting! I finally vaccuumed up the baby powder I spilled all over the kids room about a week ago, cleaned up the dished piled all over the kitchen from dinner last night, and drove around to five grocery stores to pick up produce boxes. Ahhh, the productivity without kids. :) Thanks Heidi, it was a good trade.
You look so cute girl! Sweet belly filled with sugar and spice!
Fun post - more than half way there - that went fast! I'm emailing you some digi stuff...
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