Lexi has finally started using her Christmas present:
a push toy that helps her walk.
It's so fun to see her toddle across the room.
She is figuring out how to navigate corners and turn around.
We are looking forward to "real" walking,
which will probably come soon!
Go, Lexi, go!

Lexi is pretty proud of her new skill.
And yes, her face is always messy.
So is her hair.

We caught some Lexi steps on camera today.
(Warning: the video is a little long....)
a push toy that helps her walk.
It's so fun to see her toddle across the room.
She is figuring out how to navigate corners and turn around.
We are looking forward to "real" walking,
which will probably come soon!
Go, Lexi, go!

Lexi is pretty proud of her new skill.
And yes, her face is always messy.
So is her hair.

We caught some Lexi steps on camera today.
(Warning: the video is a little long....)
She is just so cute! I love her teeny tiny feet. Tyler is so sweet and caring with her in the video. I can't believe her verbal skills, "go". Very impressive!
she's so dang adorable. love 'er.
cousin livy's doing the same thing today! they'll both be legit walking soon!
Some days I just have to get on your blog and look at cute pictures of Lexi. It makes all of this nausea and pain feel worth it. I will make it through right?
She really is reminding me of you these days. What a dolly she is. Can't believe she could actually be walking. Where does the time go? Wasn't she JUST born?
P.S. Tyler might have been my favorite part of that video. So cute and sweet.
Congratulations Lexi! What a big girl you are! I am always so happy once they start to walk. I figure if they are mobile anyway, it's better to have their hands off the dirty floor. Plus, it slows them down just a bit...for a short time at least!
Nice blog with nice picture of cutie. She is adorable. It was nice going through your blog. Keep on posting. Ihampers.co.uk
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