What started out as one picture turned into about a hundred. I was captivated by Gavin's unstructured play, with his sense of adventure, his boundless energy.

Lexi had come into the yard with me, and I plopped her into our newly acquired wagon. A family in the ward gave it to us since their kids have outgrown it. My kids are completely thrilled. Lexi didn't have the wagon to herself for long.

After a long series of photos, I wandered around the yard taking pictures of my budding trees and tulips. But of course I came back to my cuties who were happily playing in the warm sun.

What an awesome afternoon.
Ah, what precious, darling, dirty, thoroughly entertained kids! Isn't spring the very, very best?!
These pictures are priceless! Gavin just has the most infectious smile. I wish I could find that much happiness in my days. :) I think I have forgotten to appreciate the little things in life sometimes. It takes my kids to help me realize how simple it can be to find joy in life.
The pictures look fabulous! Unstructured play and nice weather for the win.
I think you had more warm sunshine than we did today!
looks like they had a blast! great pictures! :)
Looks like a good time.
I love his mud-soaked socks and him peeking out from behind the tree.
Anytime you want to lug the camera over to our backyard....let me know!
oh my gosh. these pictures are to die for. they are so precious.
Looks like a beautiful and warmer than it was here. Today was cold and rainy. The chilins are such cuties. Looks like the wagon was a hit.
So fun! I love "just because" photo shoots.
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