Instead of lighting 34 candles, we lit 7 -- three in the tens column and four in the ones column. For the guy who loves lucky number 7, this was the perfect solution.

The cake was fantastic -- just ask Lexi and Gavin.

Gavin offered a delightful rendition of the "Happy Birthday" song. He entertained us with his singing throughout the evening, which you can see in the first video at the end of this post (for some reason I can't move it).
Lexi, however, stole the show. As we were preparing dinner, she wowed us all by standing up on her own in the middle of a room. She repeated the feat a dozen times over the next hour. We caught her on camera (the second video below). Our little girl is growing up so quickly!

Happy birthday Garry! Devlin heartily approves of the "tens and ones" candle solution, Gavin's singing is utterly adorable, and way to go Lexi! That's a big day for everyone!
i love garry. he's just SUCH a good guy. happy birthday to him.
and go lexi go! livy's doing that too....even taking a couple steps....and it kinda weirds me out! weren't they just born??? so stinkin' cute, lexie lou.
Happy Birthday Garry! Loved Gavin's birthday song. Had me gigglein' pretty good. Can't believe Lexi's trick. That's pretty impressive to get to a standing position without pulling up on anything. Love her little skirt too, so cute! BTW, I love having a baby on my hip too. =)
I know that wasn't supposed to make me cry...but it totally did (in a good way, not a sobby, messy way). Move here already! Gavin=adorable, and Lexi=coordinated! Way to go everyone, and happy birthday to Garry!
You'll always be able to remember the day that Lexi first stood on her own! And Gavin--what a comedian! Happy Birthday Garry!
Too cute! How fun! What a great family!
Happy Birthday Garry! And what cute videos of your kids. Gavin's singing is great-he's so grown up! And Lexi is going to be a heartbreaker for sure-she is adorable!
Happy Birthday Garry. Looks like it was a great day. Lexi always looks so cute in her little outfits!
I love Lexi's outfit - so adorable. And the song was great. Thanks for sharing.
It looks like a perfect way to celebrate a really great father and husband!
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