
Apr 9, 2010

Household chores

This morning, as Tyler was perched on the kitchen counter collecting cereal bowls, he exclaimed, "Mom! You need to do the dishes!"

It was true. The sink was overflowing, and I had ignored it before bed last night. (Actually, I am still ignoring it.)

However, I have a comeback. "Tyler! You need to take out the trash and recycling!" I think his duty has been neglected longer than mine.

At least Gavin is helpful around the house. Here he is, sweeping the back porch. I didn't even have to ask.


Danielle said...

for a second i thought you'd snuck into my house and taken pictures.


granny said...

Haha. I love good mom retorts.

The Wizzle said...

Touche! It's a darn shame that by the time they gain competency in execution, much of their innate enthusiasm has faded.

Lisa Romer Keele said...

I'm very excited to know that other people have a sink that looks like mine!

pass it on!

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