Tyler is really a great kid. He is generally so kind and helpful, very affectionate, and sensitive to others' needs. While he loves to play with friends, he is also content to play a game, read a book, or watch a show on his own. I love that he is so good to quietly entertain himself after school while Gavin and Lexi are sleeping. Tyler has recently shown interest in making his own lunch, too. I certainly can't complain about that!
This week I was truly humbled to be Tyler's mother when he did literacy testing at school and scored at a mid-third-grade level on reading and comprehension. His kindergarten teacher had wonderful things to say about him. While I am a little intimidated at the challenge of parenting such a brilliant child, I am thrilled to see him succeed.
Tyler really does love to read. He is supposed to read 20 minutes a day after school. If I don't set a timer, he will get lost in a book and read for an hour or more. He will read Magic Treehouse, Cam Jansen, and Nate the Great books in one sitting. This week he tackled the 140-page Mrs. Piggle Wiggle and was delighted with the silly stories and funny words. He loves to retell the stories to me.
Tyler is still a very typical six-year-old in many ways, and he definitely suffers from Little Brother Syndrome. Fairness is extremely important; he is pretty sensitive to any injustice that might exist in his world. He thinks that he and Zach should be equals in every respect and gets frustrated when Zach is bigger or faster or more adept. Tyler's current way of expressing dissatisfaction with life is a shrill, piercing scream that probably frightens the neighbors. Or, as seen below, he will cry and pout about having to do something unsavory (in this case, clean up his Play-Doh mess) for a long, long time before actually doing it. This too shall pass.

Zachary is growing up so fast. He loves that he is almost as tall as his mother, and that pretty soon we will wear the same shoe size. Last week he lost one of his eye teeth (and incredibly, the Tooth Fairy remembered to bring him a dollar that very night). Zach has recently shown more interest in helping out with Lexi and Gavin. He gets Lexi up when she cries in the morning and plays with her after school. One of his frequent "jobs" is to play with Gavin in the back yard. Zach is a good big brother.
Zach is really enjoying his new cub scout pack in the Cordera Ward. It is much larger than the pack he left and he is making friends quickly. This week Zach participated in the flag ceremony at pack meeting. Since Garry took him and I stayed home with the other kids I didn't get to see Zach in action, but I heard from Garry and one of his scout leaders that he did a great job leading the ceremony.

About a month ago, Zach was really struggling with his behavior at school. I received bad reports from his teacher after a field trip and after several consecutive days in the classroom. While that was disappointing and frustrating, we were all quite relieved when a very simple daily accountability slip fixed the problem quickly and completely. Zach professes to hate school because it is dumb and boring. While we know he struggles to feel challenged, he doesn't usually do his best work to manifest his true ability. It's a constant struggle to help him reach his potential but not push him too hard.
If Zach had his way, he would spend all of his days like this:

Zachary LOVES video games. (I hate them, which poses a problem in our family.) He also loves his newly-acquired teddy bear, Zeek. Zach made Zeek at Build-a-Bear for a friend's birthday party last month, and now Zeek rarely leaves Zach's side. I think it's pretty cute to see Zach's attachment to this little friend, especially because until now he has never enjoyed stuffed animals. Zach may be growing up, but he's still a little boy at heart.
They are beautiful boys, Heidi. It's very refreshing (for me) to know that having struggles with kids is normal. Each one has his/her own challenges, which in turn teaches us in ways we couldn't otherwise learn. As a fellow mother, I feel for you and understand EXACTLY what you are experiencing. You are a great mother and I admire you very much. Keep up the good work.
PS - I hate video games too. It's a constant struggle at our house. Maybe we should ban together and pass some sort of prohibition on it!
It's tough work being one of the big boys! Congratulations to Tyler and his incredible reading success. He sure is a bright boy! Zach reminds me so much of my Zach. He was truly wonderful to have in scouts. Glad he is flourishing in his new ward.
Ah, Tyler and Devlin have so many of the same issues! Devlin is also extremely sensitive to injustice (although he doesn't get to experience the poetic beauty of having an older sibling to torment/outperform him!) and prone to sulking. Good times.
And Zach always gives me a taste of what to look forward to! I think he's fabulous - and Zeek is pretty cute too.
Best of all, you have given me some ideas for new library books for Dev! We have exhausted everything Junie B. Jones has to offer. I loved the Mrs. Piggle Wiggle books when I was a kid, and I bet he will love them too - especially if they come recommended by Tyler!
Love those big boys. Give them a granny hug. (please)
You are such an incredible mother!!! I don't know how you do it. I still have a hard time balancing life with my two kiddos.
WAY TO GO TYLER!!! I'm glad to see what he is reading. Now it gives me more ideas for Carter. What smart boys you have!
Thanks for sharing this post! I'm going to be getting some of those books that Tyler reads from the library for Tori. She also LOVES to read and sometimes I'm at a loss as to what to get her as I tend to remember books that I read in 4th or 5th grade instead of kindergarten. She, also like Tyler, LOVES to scream and fight about cleaning up HER messes. It is so unfair to her - HA!
This post reminded me that they are still kids - YOUNG kids, and I need to remember that more often.
These two wonderful boys have a huge spot in my heart. I love them so. I'm so proud of them.
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