
Apr 21, 2010

Back in the blog zone

I've been a little cranky lately. The stress of moving/not moving is getting to me. But that junk is (maybe) for another post. I have drafted a diatribe that is percolating. It may or may not get published.


My cute sister always inspires me. And since I've been racking my brain over something cheerful to blog about, I decided to copy her this afternoon and post a little survey. (Note to Angie: another copycat post is coming in a few days.) Filling out my answers has helped me think of the other things I would like to post on this here blog. Maybe tomorrow.

Without further ado...

1. When do you feel happiest?

I feel great joy and satisfaction when I am serving other people.

2. How do you take care of yourself?

I try to get enough sleep and try to maintain a healthy level of spiritual nourishment.

3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?

I am mostly internally driven. I love doing things for others, but the desire almost always comes from within.

4. What do you do for fun?

I spend time with friends, take long walks with my kids, blog, and make silly Facebook comments.

5. What intimidates you?

Calling strangers on the phone and asking people for help sometimes creates knots in my stomach.

6. What is something you're proud of?

I am proud of my ability to drive a car with a manual transmission.

7. Finish this sentence.

I never...finish a sewing project without starting completely over at least once.

8. Favorite vacation spot?

Mesa, AZ. (What will I do when I live in a neighboring zip code?)

9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).

6 -- so far. Compared to yesterday's "2," I'd say this is a healthy improvement!

10. Finish this sentence.

If you knew me really well you'd know...that the state of my kitchen floor is a pretty good indicator of my mental health.


Shaina said...

I hope tomorrow only climbs the scale higher. Moving, or trying to move, is terribly stressful. I think you are doing very well dodging all the balls that are coming towards you. Keep it up. Eat chocolate. Come to girl's night!

The Wizzle said...

Moving STINKS. I have just done it under pretty much the least stressful of possible circumstances, and I still find myself in tears or close to it at least once a day. Hang in there.

I love your little survey, and will probably steal it myself. I think something inside my brain is wanting to wait until the house is "done" to post pictures and blog about it, ad we all know that is never going to happen...

granny said...

Fun. Thanks for blogging.

angiedunn said...

loved reading your answers. ♥

maynardmoments said...

Moving is quite stressful, but I think that knowing you will move, but not knowing exactly when is even worse. Hang in there. Things are bound to fall into place sooner than later.
Let me know if you need anything.

pass it on!

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