Our online archive of The Bartle Bulletin newsletters is a treasure trove of fun stories. At almost 17 months, Zachary was working puzzles, just learning to sleep well, still very attached to his binky, and had just learned to open doors. At the same age, Tyler was learning to overcome stranger anxiety, chipped his second front tooth in a hotel swimming pool, and delighted everyone with fabulous impersonations of The Incredible Hulk.
After reading several issues of our old newsletter, I'm convinced that Zachary and Gavin are my two busiest toddlers, although Tyler gave me a run for my money at this age with all the climbing he did. Gavin is the best sleeper (probably because I learned a few things along the way) and the chubbiest of the three. But I'm a little surprised at how different the three boys look at the same age. There's no doubt these kids are brothers, but they definitely have their own looks!

While it's probably not a completely fair comparison, it appears as though my little-boy haircutting skills have improved with time as well.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane!
I agree, Heidi! They definitely have similar genes, but they really do all have their own, and very cute, I might add, look!
Isn't it amazing the different 'types' that can be mixed and matched from yours and Garry's genes. Each one so unique and individual. These pics of the boys are so cute.
What cute boys! Perfect gene combinations from you guys. Great job on the that. I think it is hard to imagine what the new ones will look like!
What cute boys!
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