Because I am me, I made a list of household chores and put initials by each task. Bit by bit, the jobs got done, albeit with a lot of supervision for little boys. Sitting on a chair, couch or tub side while offering instructions wasn't as relaxing as watching a paid professional whisk around the house, but it was far cheaper and certainly more character-building....right?
The boys were remarkably willing and had pretty good attitudes. It was interesting to see their personalities shine through as they worked. Tyler was meticulous, thorough, and painfully slow. Zachary zipped through everything, which required do-overs later. Garry took his chores in stride, since he did things only he could do (and his list is much longer).
Tyler's jobs: empty the dishwasher, dust and polish Mom and Dad's bedroom furniture, make Mom and Dad's bed, help organize Gavin's toys upstairs and down, and clean three toilets.

My jobs (not pictured): sit around barking orders and keep the baby in.
So, at the end of the day, the house is a lot cleaner and my soul is more peaceful. Sitting around staring at the filth for the last few days was definitely interfering with my inner zen. I know I'll have to be satisfied with ignoring things like dirty windows and carpet and unpainted walls and unsewn curtains for a while, but as long as the floors are swept and the toilets are clean, I think I can handle it.
Way to go. Good for your boys! My favorite comment from Samatha (4) when I asked her to clean up her toys before the House cleaner came her response was, "then she (the HC) would have nothing to do."
Also the best thing about bedrest is that you are so anxious to get up and do something ie vacum, dust, leave the house... That it was a lot easier to bounce back after having the baby.
Wow, that's a lot of work! I was thinking, "how can the boys do it all?" and then I remembered that *I* (and you!) usually do it all. Huh.
It won't kill them to have to do it for a few weeks, and I hope your zen gets to flow uninterrupted for at least a full day before it gets too messy again. :)
Hooray for willing workers! I'm glad they got it done. Wish I could help. Sending thoughts of clean toilets and swept floors your way...
I was serious about coming over to scour your shower. I'm your friend plus your visiting teacher so I get double "duty"!
ps - it DOES build character!
Good for the boys in the house. It will be good for them and help them appreciate more of what you do. It's good for them. Keep resting. We want little girl to stay indoors for a little longer.
Hey there - I think we're up late reading each other's blogs (o: I just got your comments. (O: I like your pictures of the cute little helpers. You look like you're in good hands. Now if you can keep your house dusted, I guess I have no excuse!!
I feel for you. I've been on bedrest before. The first few days aren't too bad, in fact, it's kind of fun being waited on. Then I go crazy! I get to where I want to get up and do dishes and laundry and make dinner. Hope all goes well for you and your little girl!
I love the new layout. The couch is adorable in the corner. Your attitude and outlook on life are so uplifting to me, even if you feel like you are being the sargeant. You are positive and hopeful and I just miss you right now. Take care!
Hope you're not going too crazy taking it easy. Nice to have a reason to relax, I'll bet. We'll be in the Beaver Creek ward now, which means 8:30 am church---yikes!!!
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