Nothing says "Welcome to your Wednesday" like messes at every turn. Light duty or not, I took care of these ones. Couldn't stand it a minute longer. And then Gavin napped and I rested.

At 11:20 I visited my obstetrician. I anxiously anticipated the visit. Was the last week of cutting WAY back on activity helpful? Answer: Yes. Hooray! No progress towards delivery, at least not yet. I'm still having contractions, particularly when I'm active, and sometimes I have semi-painful ones when I'm just lying around. So the prescription for light duty still stands, but I don't have to take medicine and I don't have to go on full bed rest. Yippee! I am enormously relieved.
The best part of the visit was getting an ultrasound peek at the baby, who is definitely a girl (I asked the doctor to verify for me, since I've been having dreams that we're actually having a boy). Everything about her looks great. Nice and healthy, in the right position, and inside of my body, hopefully for a few more weeks.

The boys didn't accompany me to my appointment as they usually do; instead they were whisked away by another wonderful friend, who fed them lunch and took them to an Easter egg hunt at the park. I picked up Gavin on my way home and Tyler stayed to eat and play.

Zachary has running club practice today, which will keep him busy until 4:00. That means I get an extra hour of peace at home and he gets to burn off after-school energy. Excellent. With all of these good vibes, maybe the evening scene will be calmer than usual. We could use that around here!
Hey, that all sounds like good news! A big hug to everyone helping you out, from me and a few other people I'm sure. :)
So glad your appt. went well. Few! Hopefully things continue to go well for you. Let me know if you need anything.
Who knew when you re-designed your blog header that the couch would become such a prominent part of your life. Haha. Hope things stay calm. Thanks to all who are helping!
Glad that things are going well with the baby. Light duty is certainly better than full bed rest! Sounds like you've got great help there!
My house looks worse, and I don't have an excuse.
I'm here for you!!! just call.
Glad to hear that things are in a holding pattern with Baby Girl. You just keep on resting--the rest will wait. Or perhaps angels will continue visit. We're thinking about you here and wish we could be there to help. We love you.
I'm so glad you have wonderful friends there who are taking care of you. It would drive me crazy to be on the couch and look around and see all that needed to be done. I'm proud of you for handling it so well and with such a good attitude. Hang in there friend, and don't you dare have your baby before me.
Thanks to all your dear friends who are helping out. Don't worry about the house. I know that's easier said than done but seriously, it will get taken care of eventually and you will survive. Just take care of baby girl. I had to do the same thing with Garry. See it is worth it.
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