These snapshots won't win any awards,
but they capture some fun moments from our week.

on Monday and Tuesday, when school was out
for literacy testing and the weather was fabulous.
We even had a family picnic for dinner, which spiced up boring leftovers.

{Thanks for the fun photo idea, Krista!}

This delightful splash of color arrived Thursday.
I find myself peeking out my kitchen window to check on it. It just makes me happy.

He got this nice {blurry} letter and a commemorative pin.
Too bad getting an "oops" ten-year pin doesn't mean a bigger salary and more PTO.

that knocked down a few sections of our back yard fence.
Garry rebuilt/reinforced it during a couple evenings this week.
He has Saturday plans to build and install a gate from our back yard
to the greenway. We're excited about that!

See the little green bowl he was trying to fill?
This mess was worse than emptying a new bag of sliced bread,
but not as bad as shattering a glass cereal bowl, which he did last week.
I care about new flowers! Extra color makes life happier. It means warm weather, flip-flops, shorts, swimming, GREEN GRASS AND TREES, and all of that other fun summery fun is on it's way. Yeah for flowers and warm weather!!!
Love the belly shot and Gavin with the cheerios! Just one question though-If Garry got the five year award, why is it a 10 year pin?
love the cheerio pic! I finally bought 5 snap-lock containers to put cereal in so ethan can't do this. i'm sure he had no problem helping you clean them up though! lol. cute belly!
I care! I am finally seeing the little tulip heads up, but mine aren't open yet! It looks like life moves on, even when it feels like it's at a standstill! I love that belly to feet picture. And having a fence out of the yard is a great idea, especially with that park right there!
He he. Very cute belly pic. Congrats Garry on the 5 years! Five more and you can wear your pin! Maybe at ten years you'll get a gold watch or something.
Congrats Garry! I know WF is happy to have you amongst them. You're a great employee. Heidi, I remember the day when I so wished I could see my toes and touch them comfortably again. That will be soon. Gavin, what a busy little man you are.
Loved seeing your baby belly! Seeing the color of your shirt (peachish) and reading the word giant under it, I couldn't help but think of "James and the Giant Peach," which of course made me laugh thinking of both of us rolling around like big juicy peaches right now, at least that's how it feels, right?
Thank you for the imagery, Krista...that book title will never be the same!
Tyler looks so excited about his day at school! Hope it was fun. congrats to Garry! At least Gavin didn't try to add the milk, eh?
p.s. Of course I care about the tulips. Of course.
Darling pictures, sound like you are having fun. The tulips look lovely. One of my fav flowers. Love the cereal snack. :)
I did get a good laugh out of the fact that I got a 10-year pin in my 5-year congratulations kit. Fortunately, on the whole, Wells Fargo is usually much better with numbers than this experience might leave one to believe. You can trust them with your money ;-)
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