He responds to 4:45 p.m. distress calls within 15 minutes.
He greets me with a sympathetic hug and kiss, plus open arms for three crazy boys.
He changes diapers, fixes dinner, feeds the kids, plays games, reads stories, and puts boys to bed...and whistles while he works.
He does all of the above while I nurse a wicked headache, alone and in the dark downstairs.
He talks me off a cliff when my addled brain is too overwhelmed to process properly.
He whips out Excel spreadsheets that organize and compute and fix all of my (ward-party-related) problems.
He busts out Photoshop to effortlessly (and incredibly quickly!) arrange Excel numbers into a pretty presentation.
He leans back in his chair, crosses his arms over his chest, flashes me his trademark two-dimple grin, and says, "Why work hard when the computer can do it for me?"
He acts like being my honorary activities committee member slash knight in shining armor is no big deal.
He never mentions the fact that he, too, had a long and tiring day, 90% of which was spent toiling in front of a computer.
And about a million other ways. These ways just manifested themselves between 5 and 10 p.m. last night.
Love ya, babe.
And thanks.
Well....I have it on good authority that he does these things for you because he's also madly in love with you. In lieu of drafting up a totally awesome blog post like this, he usually just opts for the little things like you mentioned.
You're amazing!
Good husbands rock my world! Way to go Garry! I am sorry about your headache yesterday. I get the worst ones when I am preggers. And we will be at the Ward party, so you'll have two there!
Aw, how adorable. :)
ohhh... What a couple of cuties you are! Really, a great husband is EVERYTHING! You're a lucky girl!
Thanks Garry. Seriously. Thanks.
You've got a good one there!!! :o)
Seriously, what would we do without our husbands? I'm so glad you have support, now I know how you do so much!
Garry, you're awesome like Heidi said. The greatest thing of all is that you're humble about it. You're just like your Uncle Garry. He was the same way. You'd never know how great he was unless someone else found out something and told you. He was also very humble. Way to go Gar! Heidi, I hope you're feeling better.
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