After a major five-minute freak-out (babies should not be up at this hour, and he knew it), he decided it was time to play.
So we went downstairs and found Daddy, who was engrossed in his online Lord of the Rings world. Gavin saw him and immediately burst into happy chatter. "Dadadadadadadada!!!!" He giggled and grinned and snuggled with The Preferred Parent while I desperately tried to hold on to my semi-conscious state. (I still fight with insomnia and don't appreciate midnight romps with one-year-olds.)

In other pajama news, Tyler got to wear his new pj's to preschool today (Zachary was very jealous). He was delighted to see his teachers and classmates in their bedtime best. Each child also got to bring a toy for show-and-tell. He chose a little horse figurine he got for Christmas.

That sounds like something my hubby would do...staying up til that hour playing games on his computer, lol. That's rough that Gavin is ready to play at that hour. Ethan will occasionally wake up but he just sits in his crib, with a dark room, and giggles. He probably is using his glow-worm to read comics or something...
I've had a few midnight romps over the years, so I know how frustrating it is, but that picture of Gavin on the horse is just too stinkin' cute! Man, is your little girl going to be cute or what!?! I know that has nothing to do with your post, but I was just thinking that.
Wish everyday could be pajama day. Hope you don't have anymore midnight playtimes!
Uggg...Those late nights are not fun! I just wanted to pass on something that helped me when I was dealing with sleeplessness last year. Vitamin B-5--works as well as a sleeping pill, but isn't a sleeping pill. I took 1-2 vitamins before bed, slept all night, and it helps get you back to sleep when you have to get up at night. Seriously a miracle worker!
Sorry about Gavin! I hate it when they do that. I'm so glad Tyler likes his new jammies! Made me smile. :)
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