Facebook recently helped me re-connect with a friend from my freshman year at BYU. Corey Christiansen is now a news reporter and weekend meteorologist (weather guy) at Channel 7, Denver's ABC affliate, and even though we haven't seen each other for probably ten years, he offered to give our family a tour of the news station on Saturday. We had a great time, learned some interesting behind-the-scenes stuff, watched part of the live 5:00 broadcast, and really enjoyed playing with the green screen for weather graphics. Thanks, Corey, for a fabulous tour! (We also enjoyed your weather blog when we got home.)
The station building.
Sitting at the news desk.
Tyler's comment upon sitting down: "I predict there will be rain in the Himalayas!"
Seeing Corey's weather graphics for the 5:00 show.
Being squirrely in our chairs before the live show.

Tyler's comment upon sitting down: "I predict there will be rain in the Himalayas!"

Wearing green makes a person's image disappear on camera.
We had so much fun with that!

Enlarging the picture will help you see the result on the right.
Wow, that looks super fun! Devlin would have loved that. What a nice guy to offer such a fun activity after all that time. I need to get myself on Facebook.
So fun! So Corey's a reporter...how cool is that?!?
That looks fun! I always wondered how they pointed to the right place when the screen was blank. cool.
That looks like it would have been very interesting! What a fun activity for the family. Maybe this will inspire the boys to be a forecaster some day.
What a fun activity! I loved Tyler's comment about rain in the Himalayas. What an imagination!
In spite of the fact that I didn't really want to go, we did have a good time, and for once, the boys were pretty well behaved. Having a good outing like this gives me a very much needed shot in the arm for not dreading future outings as much.
Hearing Tyler's comment on the weather gave us all a good laugh, especially Cory.
That is so cool! Tyler is so cute! That comment made me smile. What an unique and educating experience!
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