
Sep 4, 2012

Helping hands

As part of a stake service project, Garry joined an army of Colorado Springs volunteers on Saturday and helped protected some of the city's fire-damaged areas from flooding. Volunteers moved 150 tons of sand that day.  Officials later said that because of the large LDS presence at the community event, all of the sand bags were filled by 9:30 a.m. instead of noon.  Garry spent two afternoon hours moving the sand bags from the filling ground to the areas most in need.  The Waldo Canyon fire burned 350 homes to the ground, and the surrounding property is at great risk for flooding during heavy rain. Hopefully the sand bags will protect the areas from further damage.

It is sobering to see the scorched mountains and skeleton trees in the burn zone.  We feel so blessed to have escaped this tragedy, but are glad for every opportunity to serve those affected by the fire.


Grandma said...

The mormons always pull through. Great for Garry and many others. I'm sure the service was greatly appreciated.

angiedunn said...

that's tender. "we are a chair, [and sand] moving people." :)

pass it on!

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