
Feb 28, 2011

School time!

This morning Gavin woke up, ate breakfast, and got himself ready for preschool.

Did you miss the memo that Gavin started preschool? Yeah, me too. I happened to be sitting at the computer, checking my email, when Gavin announced his plans for the day, so I transcribed our conversation.

Gavin: I've got my backpack ready. I packed extra clothes for Sis.

Heidi: Oh, honey, you're not going anywhere today. You're staying home with me.

Gavin: But I'm going to preschool!

Heidi: Oh, really? Where is it?

Gavin: It's really far away.

Heidi: OK. Who's your teacher?

Gavin: Nobody is. Wait. William is my teacher.

Heidi: Hm. Very interesting.

Gavin: It's really far away at Grandma's house. Or Julie's. Julie has mattresses to jump on. That's my preschool.

Tyler: Are you really going to preschool? Did Mom tell you that?

Gavin: Yes! And I have to wear flip-flops.

Heidi: Gavin, what do you do at preschool?

Gavin: I play every time at preschool in my classroom!

Tyler: Have you ever been to preschool?

Gavin: Yes, and there's lots of treats in my treat room. I'll get all of treats for everybody.

Tyler: Yeah, when it's your birthday.

Gavin: No!

Tyler: I got treats for my class because it was my birthday.

Gavin: And I need to go talk to Dad.

Gavin: Daddy, I'm going to preschool!

Garry: Maybe Granny will do something like preschool here today.

Gavin: No, this isn't preschool, this is

Garry: This is Colorado Springs.

Gavin: But I need to go far away to preschool.

Garry: Zachary and Tyler's school isn't far away. Preschool is close like their school.

Gavin: But I want to go to their school, too.

Garry: You will, when you get bigger.

Gavin: But I AM bigger already!

Garry: You have to get even bigger still.

Gavin: WHY?


The most tragic part of this conversation is that I'm not even sure if Gavin gets to attend preschool in the Fall. He was registered somewhere and the teacher backed out a couple of weeks ago, canceling his class. Even though it's only the end of February, every program I have checked into is completely full.
There is no way my life can handle a co-op home preschool this year. Gavin is on a couple of waiting lists, but I'm not sure if we can plan on preschool. Huge bummer!!


Danielle said...

oh preschool. yeah i'm going to be doing a co-op with ethan which is going to suck when i'm doing it for both ethan AND bennett next year. that's a whole lot of teaching i'm not excited about, lol. hopefully you can get something figured out for gavin amidst all this craziness. he sure is a smart boy!

Trinette McCrary said...

Have you checked into Sunrise Preschool...I have have always heard it's fabulous

The Wizzle said...

Well, that is funny conversation but not so funny about the preschool situation! Jeepers. I don't think it's like that down here, or maybe I just got really lucky with Eve. We didn't move until April and I didn't sign her up until the summer. I've got my fingers crossed for one of those waiting lists - and it sounds like Gavin does too!

Grandma said...

How cute is that conversation. I'd be glad to do pre-school for Gavin. He'd be my best student.

Melanie said...

Surely there will be a way--

pass it on!

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