Today a home health care nurse spent 2.5 hours educating me on how to insert whoozits into thingamabobs connected by four feet of whats-it-called. Prime this, pump that, press this button here and consult the manual there. Poke yourself in the gut, wear this fashionable fanny pack, and don't forget to sign on the dotted line.
Despite being very overwhelmed and very nauseated, I have hope. Even though that hope involves needles and a Biohazard container, I am encouraged. Shelly, my nurse, truly validated how awful I have been feeling. Based on her evaluation today, I also need IV fluids. My doctor has approved; fluids could start as early as tomorrow afternoon. We are hoping they will provide additional help and balance my ravaged systems.
For now, I have a dietary regimen to follow, daily logs and inventories to keep, and medical procedures to master.

Pregnancy is a complicated business at this house! But I'm sure grateful for our little baby. I'm also thankful for excellent insurance, which is picking up the entire tab.
You are a great example Heidi! You're completely unselfish, doing such hard things with your face turned towards gratitude and willingness. In our selfish world, you are a stark contrast!
Keep your chin up, girlie. There are awesome things ahead. Sure love you.
I have no idea if this might help you at all, but here's a tip they gave me in the hospital. Apparently, sniffing/smelling an alcohol wipe can help with nausea. They did that for me, and it did help. Sorry you're so dang sick! I hope all the medicine helps you!
I sure hope it helps! Like, a lot. :)
oh, sis...praying it works.
excellent insurance is not overrated.
Wow, what a process. I hope you can keep all of the stuff out of Gavin's reach. Wow, wish I could help.
I sure hope it all works! You are very brave to poke yourself in the stomach. I don't think I could do that!
You're lucky, I never go one of those. :)Feel blessed. Seriously.
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