Garry took them to see the pediatrician today. Daddy is getting lots of practice with this routine!

Gavin's fever was 102.5 in the office. He has a bad ear infection. Hopefully antibiotics will turn this kid around!

Zach's fever is finally under control. His persistent cough is just that: persistent. He was given clearance to attend school, since it can last 2-3 weeks. So he went for the afternoon.
Dearest Gavin is completely miserable. Sweet Granny has been rocking and comforting him (when she hasn't been rocking and comforting me) since she arrived. We hope easier days are ahead for both of them.

The bad news: Tyler came home from school with a fever and chills!
Oy vey! So much illness, all around!
that last one of gavin literally made me cry. i am soooooo sorry.
This is just madness! Stop it, universe - stop picking on Heidi's poor family!
Gavin looks utterly miserable. Poor baby.
oh my goodness dear friend!!!!!!! I went to dinner the other night with April Bethea, Cheerie Redd, and Meloney Fullerand we talked about how much we love you and how concerned we are about you!!! We are sending our prayers your way and please know that we love you dearly!!!!!
I just read your last two entries and I am sooo concerned about you guys and I really, reallly, really feel for you!!!
You will pull through, you always do! You are simply amazing and your hubby is a blessing (don't you love great hubbies!!!??)
Love ya,
Poor Gavin looks so miserable. I'm so sorry that everyone is getting down with this nasty bug. The medicine should help. It helped me a ton.
These pictures of Gavin make me so sad. You all are in my prayers.
Oh poor little Gavin! He just looks miserable. What a doozie of a ride this has been!
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