
Feb 14, 2011


I rarely join the family for dinner these days. The sight and smell of real food (let alone actually partaking) is usually more than I can stomach. But tonight the dinner conversation was hilarious. Some comments I overheard from the recliner include the following, in no particular order:

Garry: Surely licking a napkin is worse than eating a green bean.
Zach: No! It's not! I hate beans! I'm going to barf.

Garry: What was the best part of your day?
Gavin: Playing outside with Rachel.
Garry: What was the worst part of your day?
Gavin: Getting a Diego backpack from Granny.
Garry: Um...wasn't that fun? Don't you LOVE that backpack?
Gavin: Oh, yeah! That was the best part, too!

Lexi: I'm poopy, Daddy.
Garry: Really? Again? We need to get you on a schedule, Sis. This is three times in an hour and a half.
Lexi: I'm poopy, Daddy.

Gavin: We're having dessert for our dinner. Treats!
Garry: Happy Valentine's Day! (Passing out treats.)
Lexi: Whoa. Open dat pees.
Gavin: Look at my tongue. It's green! I'm going to show in the mirror.
Tyler: Whoa! Chocolates! What's in that corner one?
Zach: Do I HAVE to eat my beans?


angiedunn said...

not laughing that you are hearing this sick in the recliner.

but i am laughing at the convo. hilarious! all you needed was a "these mashed potatos are so creamy"....;)

granny said...

Hilarious! Can't wait till you can partake of the conversation at the table, but at least you are within earshot. You couldn't teach kids to say funnier things than they come up with on their own. (Btw the word verification was twiness.) Hahahaha.

Johnson Family said...

I just finally caught up with your last few posts and I TOTALLY feel your pain. I don't have a PICC line though, I opted for a "Power port" that is under the skin right under my right collar bone and goes right into my juggular vein. But I think the PICC line will be such a great thing for you so that you won't constantly have to get new IV's.
Finding a "new normal" is very hard and something I have really struggled with over the past year. Just do exactly what you are doing...think of the little things that make you happy, cry if you need to, and just sit back and let people serve you. I am SURE that you have done your fair share of service! It is time for you to be on the recieving end and to just be grateful for that. That was probably the hardest thing for me... recieving service. I would much rather be giving it, but I think we learn a whole other aspect of the Gospel when we are on the recieving end.
I will pray that this will just be a temporary speed bump in your life and know that many people love you from Arizona!
Love, Christa

Heidi said...


Colleen said...

Funny! I think Luke and Lexi could make a club. He's the same. And next time I won't bring beans for Zach's sake. Poor kid!

Emmy Z. said...

Isn't it true how sometimes you have to be on the outside looking in to see how funny something is? Gavin's comments are my favorite these days - I love his personality!

Danielle said...

do i have to eat the beans?

hahahaha! i always just spooned mine back into the pan when nobody was looking.

Melanie said...

Funny how family life marches on. I'm so glad Garry holds down the fort, and that there's an army of volunteers trying to lighten the load! Hang on, little mama!

pass it on!

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