Today at her check-up, Lexi weighed 9 pounds, 5 ounces (25th %) and measured 22 inches long (50th %). Although she's a little lightweight, she is gaining consistently enough that I'm not worried. I'm enjoying the extended use of newborn and 0-3 months clothes -- she has so many cute ones! (I do still marvel at the comparison between Lexi and Gavin, who was a giant baby. Here are links to a photo and description of Gavin at the same age.)
Lexi has learned to smile. I absolutely adore her giant, toothless grins. She sometimes squeals and coos when she smiles, and occasionally we hear a hint of a laugh. Lexi is generally very happy and content. When she's not, a snuggle with a blanket or a cuddle from Mom or Dad puts her at ease pretty quickly. She still loves to be swaddled, and especially enjoys a blanket against her cheek. Lexi does not like cold feet, being exposed (even when the weather is hot), or having a dirty diaper. She likes her pacifier (hooray!). She responds to the sounds of family members' voices and will turn her head if she hears someone familiar.
In the last couple of weeks, Lexi started sleeping through the night. I am stunned...and grateful. This family has never experienced such a good sleeper at this stage, but it is changing my life for the better. Lexi will nurse every 2 1/2 - 3 hours during the day, with the last feeding happening between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. Then she usually sleeps in her crib until 5:00 or 6:00 a.m. Last night she slept from 9:00 to 6:00. It was amazing!! What a gift.

This is another picture I love from this morning's photo shoot. Happy two months, Lexi girl!
Can I just say, she is SO adorable! I am partial to little lightweight babies myself, since that is what I seem to produce mainly. Toothless grins make the world go round, is what I say!
What a sweetheart! In so many ways. Happy 2 months cutie.
She is so cute! Glad she's such a good girl for you.
So sweet and fun. She looks tall!
I can tell you are having to much fun dressing her in girly clothes! So fun!
She does resemble her brothers!
That was TOO much fun!
Sooo cute! What a sweet little petite girl you have. So fun to see the girl version of the Bartle kids. I had to laugh at Gavin's stats. They are identical (even height and head) in size to Ethan at 2 months. Amazing! At least seeing cute Gavin I have an idea of what Ethan will be looking like.
Little Lexi is so precious! Definitely a big size difference between her and Gavin but it is nice to have a petite girl. I am totally lovin' her outfit too.
What a precious doll. Love her smile. I can't wait to see her again. Congrats for spelling so well Lexi!
Wow, how fast it goes! She is adorable! Good thing she is a good sleeper - that affects EVERYTHING!
soooo tiny! and sooooo adorable! if you ever need anybody to come over and play dress up with her-i'm more than willing! ;)
OH my gosh, I'm in LOVE with her!!!! I can't wait to see you guys!
Your daughter is so cute!!
oh she is just so beautiful! What a doll baby!!!!! She looks so much like your oldest son! What a Blessing to receive a girl after 3 boys!!!
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