
Aug 30, 2012

Better with friends

A random collection of photos is going to find a home in this post.  The common theme is friends.

On the first day of school, some moms (and pre-schoolers) met for "happy hour" at YoYogurt, when the yogurt is half price.  The Littles were ready to go long before I was, but the outing was still a success.

On one of the kids' testing days, we met ward friends at Black Forest Regional Park for a little hike. Kate has grown a lot since I last packed her around, and chasing after five kids was pretty strenuous.  I was reminded that being in the company of friends doesn't necessarily allow me to talk to friends.  But the kids had a blast with their friends, which was mostly the point.  (Did I get enough italics in there?)

These little characters are friends whether they like it or not.  Kate thought not the morning I took this photo.

The boys' first school-year pack meeting happened a couple of weeks ago.  They were thrilled to return to Cub Scouts and got lots of awards from Day Camp in June.

Because I produce a monthly newsletter for our ward, I'm always taking pictures at ward activities.  The ward FHE was lots of fun (though I had the same problem I did on the hike, minus the backpack).  These are a few of my favorite photos.  I'm lucky to be friends with these people.

And finally, Gavin and Lexi had little friends over to play yesterday afternoon.  It's fun to see Lexi with another little girl.  They played with dolls and kitchen stuff and the dollhouse in a way that Lexi never does alone.  I hope both kids can cultivate some friendships this year.  Hey, I hope that for me, too.


Melanie said...

Your life is full! And all of us in the circle of your influence are grateful to be there!

Grandma said...

Looks like a lot of fun.

Colleen said...

Friends make it all better!

pass it on!

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