So Garry emailed me and told me his plan: he would take Thursday and Friday off this week and potty-train Gavin.
I'll let you digest that for a minute.
Despite the fact that Gavin has been showing ALL of the signs of readiness for about three months, I have balked at the notion of potty-training. No way, no how, not me, not now. In other words: it ain't happenin' any time soon. I absolutely cannot commit right now.
But apparently Garry can.

Armed with training pants, juice and goldfish crackers, M&M rewards, and a great deal of fortitude, Garry has tackled the beast. At this moment in time, Garry is reading stories and singing songs while Gavin sits on the pot. Gavin has had four successes and three accidents in the last three hours -- a ratio in favor of success, for now.

I, for one, am hiding in the basement. I want nothing to do with it until Gavin is accident-free.
I might be here for a few months.
Go Garry! What an awesome husband!
Holy cow, don't think I've ever heard of a husband volunteering to potty train. That's pretty amazing! You must be ready to not have 2 kids in diapers! Hope things go well and you're not in the basement for too long!
From one potty training parent to another....good luck and hang in there.
To use time off work to potty train. Impressive! HOpe they are successful!
What a man!!! Good luck!
myron says he'll potty train our boys too. but i'm pretty sure that means he'll teach them to pee in the bushes.
go garry. definitely saintly.
Good heavens, WHERE did you find that man?!?
I'm voting for Insane, but who can argue with success?
My dad potty trained all us kids... wish my dad would have potty trained my kids too. I'm working on potty training my daughter right now and wonder everytime why I do this when I'm prego... What a saintly husband... I think I'll make mine train #3 especially if it turns out to be a boy. You are a lucky girl :)
I hope it goes well! I'm looking back on potty training from a safe distance (for now!) and thinking "it wasn't that bad...was it?"
Ask me again in a year or so. Although I will be happy to be done with diapers for good!
Good luck, Gavin, and good luck Garry!
Oh Garry, your MIL loves you. Keep Heidi in the basement.
Oh, AND, that first picture of Gavin is TDF. He looks so grown up!
Wow, this is definitely going down in the history books. Way to go, Garry! Maybe more businesses should offer "potty-training leave." Of course, that might have a high rate of abuse by employees. Nonetheless, something to think about.
Enjoy the basement, Heidi. Don't come up until everything is dry.
Way to go Gar! You'll love the time with Gav and he'll love the time with you. Or at least I think you will. What a cutie boy!
Wow Garry! Trying to win manliest man of the year award? You're awesome! Keep hiding in the basement Heidi, I don't blame you one bit.
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