After the boys left I took a shower. I checked my phone for messages when I got out; it seems someone always calls while I'm in the shower. Sure enough, I'd missed a call -- from the secretary at the boys' school. But there was no message. I was somewhat alarmed, so I called back, but I had to leave a message. Then, of course, I forgot about it.
While nursing Lexi, I watched as Gavin grabbed the open container of homemade strawberry jam from the counter and proceeded to drink the jam. He was remarkably careful with his slurping. I can't believe I didn't stop him, but I was somewhat entertained. Later, though, he started scooping the jam out with his hand. That's when his shirt got dirty, and when my line in the sand became apparent. I took off his shirt and cleaned it up and sent Gavin to fetch another. He brought a space-themed, long-sleeved pajama shirt. On it went.
While on the phone with a friend around 9:00 a.m., I ignored an incoming call. I didn't recognize the number, and I figured if the call was important the person would leave a message. The message I picked up later went something like this:
"Hi Heidi, this is Mrs. Yowell, Tyler's teacher. I wanted to make sure you knew what was going on at school today. Tyler wasn't supposed to be here until 9:00 today. Tyler was surprised you had forgotten, since he has a lunch and said you had a conversation about today's field trip. Please don't come to pick him up at the regular time, which is 11:20. Please pick him up at 1:00. Not 11:20. We have a field trip. I just wanted to make sure you understood. Bye!"
Yep, I understand. You think I have far too few brain cells to be a successful parent. You are absolutely correct. See you at 1:00! Or was it 11:20?
Post Script:
Before typing up this post, I put Gavin at the table with a cup of applesauce. He was hungry, I needed him confined to one spot, and since he insisted on wearing an apron, I felt the mess would be kept to a minimum.
Ten minutes later, this is what I found. I knew it was too quiet.

I'm especially fond of the applesauce-encrusted scissors.
LOL! That's my Gavin! Just like his big brothers. Slow down enough to sit still for a few moments and knock off!
And the bike ride was good. The boys had lots of fun (now their preferred method of getting to school) so I'm sure we'll be doing this as often as the weather and our schedules permit.
Those are some great stories!
Scissors next to applesauce!! Glad they only got gooey.
Hope the ride back UP THE HILL makes them just as happy as riding down it.
What did they do with Tyler for an hour before his appointed field trip?
Don't tell my boys that your boys got to ride to school. They would be very jealous!
What a fun way to get to school. It will be good for all of them. I hope they can do it a lot. Also our litle Gav is so cute. I also love the asleep pictures of any of them.
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