1. Take Excedrin. The caffeine should help with the lack of sleep and hopefully take the edge off the discomfort.
2. Drink water (lots of it). In case I am dehydrated...I won't be anymore!
3. Contain the toddler. It's the only strategy in cases such as these.

4. Provide movies for the toddler. (Don't judge.) Baby Signing Time and Baby Einstein:Neighborhood Animals are current favorites, although certain Sesame Street segments occasionally provide effective entertainment.
5. Draw the blinds and curtains (where they exist). Turn off the lights. Light is annoying today.
6. Wear pajamas. And sunglasses. Only six self-portraits are necessary before finding an angle that eliminates the third chin. (There are no angles that eliminate the giant nose.)

7. Clean the toilet. Dry-heaving is less likely to induce genuine vomit if the toilet is clean.
8. Dress up the baby in butterflies. Adorable babies are good therapy.

9. Hope and pray for improvement. The head must feel better by the time the after-school/soccer/football rat race begins.
#7 and #8 will do the trick for sure!
ouch. i feel ya dude....i went through a month of straight headaches & there's nothing worse. feel better, sister.
Feel better Heidi! And your baby IS adorable.
So sorry to hear about your hurting head. Hope you can get some rest today. And, I'm glad to see you are liking the high chair. It was the 'editors pick' in some parenting mag I picked up recently. I for one, am completely sold! ;)
And, I love the butterflies, too!
Oh man, I hope you feel better. Maybe the headaches are a result of the cold you had. I had one of the worst headaches of my life last week during the end of my cold. I was up all night in misery. Cold/sinus medicine seemed to help a little.
Headaches are the worst. I am so grumpy when I have one (I almost always do if it's close to or above 100 degrees...hmmm, why do I live here again?) I hope your strategies worked!
Sorry about the headaches...Migraines stink!!!
I had one today too...but wee compared to yours. A pepsi and two tylenol were sufficient to slay the beast. Hope it is better by now.
Hope you're feeling better today.
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