With the start of school looming before them, the boys have been trying to eke out every scrap of sunshine and play time they can. They have spent long hours outdoors and with friends, getting as dirty and as tired as possible. Come Monday, we'll have a schedule to keep.
Here's a little sampling of this week's activities.
The sand pit in the back yard has provided hours and hours of entertainment. Tunnels and forts and ramps and castles were built. Army men were uncovered and buried again. This was all fun and good until the boys got Daddy's shovels out of the shed and left them in the rain, where they got rusty. The sand pit has been banned for a bit.
Gavin has developed a love for puttering in the back yard. If the side gates are closed, he will play contentedly with balls and sticks and rocks and swings for a good long time. If I send him out with a snack, he's even happier.

For more than a year, Gavin has jumped in the contraption we hang from the doorway every day while I take a shower. He's not a huge fan of such confinement, and he's getting big enough that wrestling him into the jumper is a tricky job. So this is our new arrangement: port-a-crib plus movie. If left in this position for long (and without brotherly interruption), Gavin inevitably falls asleep. This has created our household's newest catch phrase: If he stops, he sleeps.

Tyler really likes to play the piano. If you look closely, you can see that the metronome is set on its very highest speed, making the boys' raucous duet even more delightful.

Also indoors: Lexi's swing. She loves it, and I love that she loves it. I noticed the other day how far her legs stick out the bottom now. She's definitely a growing girl! She also moves a lot...just like her brothers. Lexi is three months old now -- amazing!

When they are bored, Zach and Ty go looking for friends. When friends are nowhere to be found, they get into trouble. Or sometimes they get into trouble anyway. This week, one neighbor told me that my kids needed to quit throwing crab apples over her fence; her dogs were eating them and puking in her house. Another day Zach jumped on Tyler's bed and broke half of the support slats under his mattress. Tyler "colored" on the TV with a heavy-duty magnet and permanently distorted the color. At a different neighbor's house, they threw wrenches at a dozen cans of Diet Coke, spilling soda all over the garage floor. Then they shattered a ceramic duck into the mess just for fun.

We are hoping that fall sports will keep our boys busy enough that they won't get into too much trouble. Zachary started flag football this week, and Tyler starts soccer on Monday. For the rest of August, their practices will occur simultaneously at the same park. In September, we'll have trouble -- Zach will have games at a park 30 minutes away, and Tyler will play on the same nights at a different (closer) park. We thought we were being schedule-smart...but our careful planning backfired. Oh, well! Below, Zach is in the green shirt on the right. Gavin is munching on the sidelines.

On Friday night -- the last weeknight of summer -- Tyler achieved the summer goal I set for him. He [re]learned to ride his two-wheeler! After initially mastering the bike last fall, Tyler got a case of the nerves in the spring and refused to ride it. It has lain dormant on the porch all summer. Hopefully there's enough good weather left that Tyler can keep his confidence up after the snow falls.

Here's a little video clip of Tyler on his bike. What a champ!
So long, Summer!
Hooray for summer! {And hooray for school!} Thanks for the fun pictures.
Looks like you have a busy but fun fall in store. Have fun!
It's been a good summer, and it looks like no more fun could have possibly been squeezed out of it! And hooray for Gavin and the backyard! For now at least, he's confined, he's happy, and messes are SUPPOSED to be made outside so it's all good! Let's hope we have a nice, long, warm fall like last year! Good luck with the crazy fall schedule, we're with you on that account, girl!
Wow, your house sounds like our house with the not-keeping-up with the destruction and messes. And how exactly is one supposed to keep a house babyproofed under these circumstances? Ryan often finds unauthorized goodies under the table, even though I sweep as often as I can squeeze it in. At least those things are meant to be eaten, as opposed to the nonedibles elsewhere.
For the discolored TV, there is a tool that TV-fix-it tech-support guys/gals have that can magically return your TV to it's proper coloring. After wading through the phone tree to schedule an appointment with our TV tech support company, the guy who came out waved it in front of our TV for about 5 seconds and ta-da! Things were fixed. It was practically magic. (Actually, it just realigns the electrical components in the display with a big electromagnet. Big magnet-good. Little magnets-bad.) So if it's a high enough priority that it's worth the hassle of scheduling an appointment, there is hope for your TV. Or you could just watch green and purple people moving in and out of orange hazes. That is also a viable option.
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