Because it is Tuesday, I will spend the day doing laundry.

Because I have ignored the ironing pile for three weeks, I will also work on that.

Don't feel too bad for me; I have helpers.
This one will mostly just look cute.

This one will probably do things like this.

And these two will do most of the task at hand -- at least as far as cleaning goes.

A machine for folding and putting away is on my wish list.
Oh Gavin! You crack me up! Be good for your mommy today.
I always get nervous when kids play around the dryer. So afraid they'll lock themselves in!!
Hope your laundry day is everything you hope it will be...and more. :)
Happy laundry day to you. I am glad you somehow find joy in this task.
heidi - we're ironing table twins! great minds think alike!!! :)
I actually kind of enjoy laundry. As housework goes, anyways. Have a happy...and tell those cute kids granny loves them.
i am doing laundry today, too:)
Hey today was our laundry day too! But I only had one helper...he is pretty cute too :) Thanks for letting me hold Lexi tonight!
I love it when the laundry and the ironing are done. What cute kiddies! I love them tons!
Gavin is so funny (and Lexi is great at her job, I am sure)! I've got that day coming up on Friday. I don't need the "folding" machine, I don't mind that too much, it's the putting away machine. Now that's one I'd pay the big bucks for! Ooooh, or a "going through the pockets while sorting" machine. Sometimes there is a nasty surprise!
Hey, laundry actual dedicated day to do laundry each week, what a good idea. ;)
As such, mine is a more laissez-faire sort of approach. Although, actually, Collin does more laundry than I do. We sort of have a deal. I don't like laundry and he is a fabulous folder (plus it's something he can do while he watches tv) and he doesn't like mowing the lawn-I do. So, that is our trade-off. :)
I think Lexi will do her job without even trying. I love how you document these daily/weekly parts of life. I like to do that too. Ditto on the wish list.
I am so jealous of your cherry red washer and dryer. They are beautiful! I have those days too. I hate when I let it get too away from me. Turn on some good movies, though, and it goes fast!
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