I bumped up my Monday plan to stock the freezer with meals since Garry was home to help with the kids. I cooked all day (except during my afternoon nap) and finally finished cleaning up at 10:00 p.m.
All of this....

turned into this.....

I think there are 22 meals in there (not counting the corn dogs and tacquitos)! Some recipes are family favorites and some are new to us. Thanks to all who shared their wisdom and resources. I'm so excited to feel prepared in this small way for life after Baby.
Being so active after so much time in bed was pretty exhausting, but I definitely enjoyed myself. Even mopping the floor late at night was a lovely change of pace. Who knew that contributing to the household could be such a rewarding experience?
Meanwhile, Garry was Super Dad. In addition to a Costco run and a separate little grocery trip, he gave the boys hair cuts, painted the headboard for the twin bed in Gavin's room, managed meal times and nap times and bed times, and kept the boys out of trouble all day.

We didn't realize until it was too late, but Zachary and Tyler crashed our neighbor's birthday party. A few minutes after we sent them outside to play, they came home to ask if they could play at Andy's house. Since they had permission from Andy's mom, we agreed. It was only later that we found out that Andy had a pile of friends over for his birthday party at the time! Zach and Ty enjoyed cupcakes, games, and even an impromptu soccer match with Andy and all of his ten-year-old buddies. What a fun afternoon!
You and Garry are a real team!!!! That is so refreshing to see in this world of selfishness and greed. It is obvious that you two are in it for the long haul. I'm very proud of you...........
Wow! It's so nice to have so much done and prepared ahead of time. Way to go! Now, ready, set, baby! Congrats!
Congratulations! You just accomplished more in one day than I did in the entire month you were on bedrest.
Wow! Great work.
You will have to share your recipes that you really like after baby arrives. I have plans for the freezer dinner stock up too, come October. I am so glad you are free and able to just be mom/wife/woman again instead of bedridden! Hopefully this baby will get herself going and arrive soon!
Wow! Impressive! I am hoping to do the freezer meal thing at some point. Glad you were able to get so much done!
Great job, glad you are feeling better. Please say hi to Tyler from sister Enger.
You are super woman!
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