
Jul 22, 2011

The frozen food section

Some lovely ladies in my ward helped me make 15 meals for my freezer this morning. Thanks to their efforts, some of my own, and the help of another friend who picked up ingredients from my house and prepared three meals in her kitchen, our freezer is fully stocked!  I'm sad I don't have a picture of my happy helpers (Kym, Jennie, Shelly, Amie, Marcia, and Cindy), but I'll always remember them!

On Wednesday night we had a scare with the freezer.  I went out to retrieve something for dinner and found that the food in the door was softening (though still very cold).  The interior light was on and the motor was still humming, so I shut the door tight and hoped for the best.  It has been an expensive year (with more to come!) and I couldn't imagine needing to replace our freezer, let alone lose all of the frozen meals it held.  Thankfully, it seems that a not-shut-tight-enough door was the culprit, and most of our food was saved. Phew!

This is one more item on my Before Baby Bucket List that I am thrilled to cross off. 


Shaina said...

Productivity at it's best!! How nice to be prepared for the frenzy later!! Glad you got it done, with the help of friends!

Amanda said...

What did you end up making? This has been on my mind lately as well, so I'm curious.

granny said...

Bless their hearts...I love 'em all! I'm so grateful those angels are helping you.

linda said...

Thanks for sending me the recipes. I am hoping to start preparing meals for our freezer next week

Stephanie said...

Hi Heidi, I hope you mind a stranger's comment, but I really enjoy your blog! I find it very real and even comforting as I read and realize that I'm not alone in many of motherhood's adventures! I know your sister Angie and have been reading for awhile. If you don't mind sharing, I'm curious what meals you made for your freezer. I am due with #3 in mid October and would love some ideas on make-ahead meals. We recently bought a freezer and I'm anxious to fill 'er up! :) Take care!

Grandma said...

Your freezer looks so organized. I can't say mine is as organized as yours. Full, yes! Organized, no!

The Wizzle said...

Awesome! I'm so glad you got that done, and thank you for sharing the recipes! I'm thrilled to have space to store some of them now so I'm totally going to take advantage.

pass it on!

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