I was not an enthusiastic participant this year. Maybe next year I'll have a little more spark for all things festive.
We managed to carve pumpkins the night before, as seen here:

I found these Mr. Potato Head-esque facial features at Wal-Mart that I begged the boys to use, but only Gavin agreed with me. Isn't this an attractive pumpkin?

All things considered, the boys loved their costumes -- or at least the freedom to choose them. Garry took the big boys trick-or-treating around our neighborhood and they had a blast.

Happy Halloween!
I am so sorry Gavin is still not feeling well! The pumpkins and costumes look great. We missed you guys last night, but we appreciate you not sharing the yucks! Hopefully he is on the mend already!
wow, your pumpkins are amazing! i am pretty unenthusiastic about Halloween generally, and I have no good excuse. I hope Gavin gets feeling better!
candy and viruses and nausea - not a good combination. I hope you all get feeling better.
You jack-o-lanterns are divine...no wonder the boys held out for carving! You guys are amazing. I liked the Wal-Mart version too. Gavin oh Gavin, how can you be sick again? Or still? Hope it passes quickly and that NOBODY ELSE GETS IT!
Poor little Gavin and poor Heidi. I'm sorry you're both under the weather. But.....what cute little trick or treaters! I wish I could have seen them in person. They are the cutest! The pumpkins are simply amazing. What artists!
I love the potato head face pumpkin. I'm sure my kids would have fun sticking all the face parts in the wrong places. Very cute Halloween costumes. Can't believe your warm weather for Halloween.
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