
Apr 28, 2008

Running for my life

It's been a week since I joined the 12-week health challenge sponsored by Being accountable to a community of women who are trying as hard as I am to make lifestyle changes has been very motivating, even though I only know two or three people that are participating! Anyway, I had a great week and decided to report my success.

Last week my goals were:
1. Exercise for at least 30 minutes, four times a week.
2. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
3. Cut out desserts.

I felt successful on all counts, even though I wasn't 100% strict. I allowed myself some sugar-free pie one night when I was celebrating my birthday with a friend, and I indulged in a few bites of ice cream pie when, again, I was celebrating with friends Saturday night. But overall, my body is thanking me for a more nutrient-rich diet and active lifestyle. I lost three pounds last week!

During my near-daily dates with the treadmill, I decided it's pretty funny that I still consider myself a runner. I always have and always will, but the reality is that I'm just a slow-jogging mama who's hard-pressed to break an 11-minute mile. If someone had told my high school self that I'd be ecstatic about a 10-minute mile at age 29, I probably would have gasped in horror. (After all, at 15 I could run nearly two miles in that time.) I'm certainly not the lean, mean running machine I used to be, but I'm still holding onto the dream of lifelong fitness -- whatever the pace.

Back when I was still pregnant with Gavin and overly optimistic about the adjustments ahead (little did I know that an interstate move would be factored into my three-kid transition), I registered to run the Hippie Chick Half-Marathon on May 10. In January I attempted running again, but when we decided to move, I completely abandoned my training efforts. Then, last month, when I realized I would still live here when the race occurred, I decided to do it anyway. The angieinshape challenge has only made me more excited, even though I haven't run more than four miles in a row since Easter 2007 - the day I found out Gavin was on his way. At that time I was running 20-25 miles a week, so maybe my body will remember it can do hard things! There might even be chocolate at the finish line...


Emmy Z. said...

Bravo! I wish I could say I was as successful as you last week. Unfortunately, I let quite a few things fly out the window for my birthday - including my healthy eating and exercise. Back to the gym tonight, though. If I ever run a 10-minute mile, I will have more endurance than ever before (sadly). However, I am pushing myself to get there and beyond. Thanks for your report on your success. It's helping to motivate me to get back on the horse this week.

rachbechep said...

happy birthday heidi!!

Nature Nat said...


I love what you are doing, not just to get in shape, but also to just live healthy. As someone who has lost 6o lbs and has kept it off now for 2 years, I can honestly say it is so worth it.
Happy Birthday, by the way.
Love you.

Lars said...

That's so awesome! Go for it!

Heidi said...

I'm on the bandwagon too! I can't wait to fit in my skinny jeans. Which, really aren't "skinny" jeans to begin with. But maybe my skinny jeans now will be my fat jeans someday! Let's hope and wait!

pass it on!

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