It has been a pretty laid-back week in the Bartle household. I am still surprised on a regular basis how
not busy I am in terms of scheduled appointments and regular commitments. I really scaled back last fall and then even more when we decided to move. I'm starting to add things back in because I'm going a little stir-crazy. I realize this sounds a little ridiculous, but it's the truth!
We were soooo grateful for sunshine this week. On a couple of days the big boys just spent hours outdoors. We took walks, visited parks, and even picnicked in the backyard. I mowed the lawn and trimmed back crocus foliage and dead-headed all my potted plants. That felt good! The rain came back just in time to spoil our plans to visit the tulip festival. We're hoping to see the tulips next week instead.
On Monday the whole family went to see the friends and family performance of the Century High School drum line and color guard. Several of our ward's youth are involved and the event was free, so we had a fun time attending for family night. Both Zachary and Tyler were enthralled with the music and dancing.
Zach was excited to return to school on Tuesday. His reading has improved immensely in recent weeks, as has his handwriting. We are impressed with his efforts in those areas. Zach really enjoys P.E. This week his teacher led the class in a variety of hula hoop drills that Zach loved. The biggest news in Zach's world, though, is tee-ball. He got his uniform today and attended a basic skills clinic with Garry. We are all so excited for him to play! Tyler is a little jealous, though.

I am in charge of the Smart Cookies curriculum this month. The kids are learning about safety and fire safety. I checked out about a dozen books from the library that my boys have enjoyed reading this week, but I think it's pretty funny to read some of them as bed time stories! Titles like "Poisons Can Make you Sick" and "Stop, Drop, and Roll" aren't exactly sleep-inducing. The Smart Cookies activities Wednesday were really fun. Tyler's favorite one was bubble art. I am looking forward to the field trips to see police and fire stations later this month.

Gavin visited the doctor this week for his four-month check-up. We guessed he'd passed the twenty-pound mark, but we overestimated just a bit. Gavin weighed in at 19 pounds, 2.5 ounces and was 27 inches long. Just as a reference, Tyler was 18 pounds at six months and 23 pounds at twelve months. Gavin continues to be a delightful, happy little fellow. He has started to enjoy playing with a few toys and books. He loves it when we sing to him and read him stories.

Today I bought a new car seat for Gavin; he'll outgrow his infant seat in about two weeks at his current growth rate! I will miss the portability of the infant seat, especially because he does not yet sit up on his own. Store-type errands will require strapping him onto me instead of putting his car seat in the cart. I wish I had spent the extra fifty bucks on a carrier that accommodates a bigger baby.
Last night, Garry and I put the kids down early and had a little date at home. I made cinnamon rolls for his birthday (early, I know) and we watched "Dan in Real Life" while the dough raised and the rolls baked. We were both in silly moods and laughed more (both in the kitchen and during the movie) than we have in ages . It was so refreshing!

In house news...there isn't much worth sharing. We had a few showings this week, but no leads to speak of. One couple really wants our house but they have to sell their condo first. Another loved it but it is out of their price range. We haven't heard back from today's two showings. I am feeling a lot more content these days. It's still super stressful to keep the house clean, but I'm not as anxious about the time line as I once was.
Other random events of the week: watching a friend's baby for part of the day ( was like having twins, and that was a little crazy!), meeting with our HOA, shopping for Garry's birthday (which is tomorrow), going grocery shopping (the only notable disaster was breaking a gallon of milk during check-out), and visiting the library.
Like I said, pretty humdrum! But that's life.
Love Zach's baseball photo! I'm sure he'll have a great time.
Way to go Zach! We're excited you got on the team. You look so hardsome in your uniform. We'd love to be able to see you play.
Three cheers for three big boys! Thanks for all the tidbits.
I have to laugh because my Maile is almost 2 and she only weighs 19 lbs. I am hoping she will pass 20 lbs by her birthday this summer. Yay for diversity! What cute kids you have!
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