
Apr 24, 2008


{Note: please picture me doing an unabashed, euphoric jig as you read this post.}

Great news: we successfully completed post-inspection negotiations with our buyers! They wanted us to paint the house exterior and do some minor maintenance, but after several back-and-forth agent conversations, we finally agreed to contribute a little cash towards house painting and have our furnace and a/c serviced. We are happy with the settlement.

The best news related to this development is that we booked ourselves two seats on a flight to Colorado! Garry and I will leave on Saturday, May 3 for six days. We have a rented car, friends to host us, an agent to tour with, dozens of homes to see, and enough stomach butterflies to suspend an elephant in mid-air.

I have a laundry list of to-do's clouding my brain (where do I start, people?), not to mention about six loads of laundry piled up in the hall. The appraisal on our home will happen sometime soon, and I'm alarmed at how quickly the house's condition has plummeted since it went off the market. I guess I'd better get sprucin'.

And every so often I get twingey reminders about the actual leaving I'll have to do in five or six weeks. Yikes. A dear friend suggested a clever acronym to cover that base: NTAI (Not Talking About It). I suppose she'd better stop reading this blog, because I don't know if I can help myself. :)


Jenny said...

I wish you had enough time to come visit me, but you'll probably be too crazy busy to even think of coming an hour north. We'll just have to wait until you're moved in and all settled in!

Lars said...

Yea! Progress! Plans. Wonderful news. So does this mean they hauled away the "staging" decor. At least you'd have less to dust.


The Wizzle said...

I'm so thrilled for you! What a fabulously exciting time!

Vicki said...

Sounds like the ball is rolling! We're so happy for you!

Carroll Conversations said...

Nope, won't stop reading your post. I'm addicted! Gotta have my Heidi fix for the week. Good luck with all the "laundry."

pass it on!

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