This weekend Garry took the boys to our ward's annual Fathers and Sons camp-out. Unlike our Oregon days, when I'd go out with my friends and celebrated my alone-ness during Fathers and Sons, this weekend the girls and I had some fun of our own.
While my four guys had burgers and fries at Five Guys...
While the guys set up camp in a gorgeous, mountainous area 30 minutes away....
...the girls had a bubble bath.
While I gave Lexi a manicure and pedicure (and Kate jumped in the doorway jumper)....
...the guys hung out at the lake and explored their surroundings.
While I read stories and tucked in my little darlings, the guys watched the sun set over the lake.
While the guys played around the camp fire and went to bed...

On Saturday morning, while the guys went fishing...
...I practiced a musical number with several dozen children for Sunday's stake conference. The girls stayed home with a babysitter.
While the guys drove home from the camp-out....
I took the girls to Costco, where we picked up a cart full of groceries, stuffed ourselves with samples, and ate lunch.
And then we all got home and spent the day unpacking and cleaning up and hanging out.
And then, while the kids stayed home with a babysitter, Garry and I went out to dinner (and the adult session of stake conference) to celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary.
The end.
I loved this post. Fun to see what you were all doing! Love you.
What a fun weekend for everyone! Happy anniversary to you and Garry!
Looks like everyone had a grand time. Happy 14th!
Do you guys have your own fishing equipment? Devlin thought that looked like a sweet time.
I love doing mani/pedis with my girls when the boys are gone!
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